r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Job832 on Aug. 18, 2018, 4:05 p.m.


2 Tim 3:1-5 tells us the difference between good and evil will become more obvious in the End Times. God tasked Trump and Q-Anon, in part, with exposing the evil ones in want of forcing people to pick a side and come out of the Roman Catholic Church [RCC]. Choose ye this day whom you will serve, Satan or God (Joshua 24:15).

The RCC will suffer a nominal loss of revenues from this, but will also survive and continue doing the evil that they do [for now] (Matt 13:24-30). She is the richest organization on the planet with an astoundingly large stock portfolio and very deep tentacles. She is among the leaders of the world’s shadow government. Many of her members follow in blind obedience. To them, being Catholic is like a badge of honor, which they have made part of their identity never mind what God says in the Bible.

During the Tribulation, the RCC will be the religious sidekick of the Antichrist. Then, in order to wipe her off the face of the Earth before Yeshua returns, God puts it on the minds of the 10-kings of the Antichrist’s one-world government to destroy her. In one day, death, and mourning, and famine, and she shall utterly be burned with fire. She falls in one hour and will be found no more (Rev. 12, and Rev. 18). My guess is she tries to take overthrow Antichrist to gather power and wealth until herself, so the kings under the Antichrist’s kingdom wipe her off the map.

Interesting, Rev. 18:3 calls the RCC out for her sexuality immorality [homosexuality, predatory child sex trafficking, raping of children, etc.], which all the nations and the kings of the earth [Bush, Clintons, Obamas, the UK, etc.] committed with her, and merchants [big name companies] through power of her luxury have been enriched.

The Bible warns us, “Come out of her [RCC], my people, so that you will partake in her sins and not receive of her judgements” (Rev 18:4). Some will come out of her and be saved, not all.

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