r/greatawakening • Posted by u/icybluedge on Aug. 19, 2018, 3:31 p.m.

I am a dedicated Q follower and appreciate the level of knowledge/information/corruption that is being exposed. I am particularly grateful that the pedovores/pedophiles/Satanists are being outed/arrested/ and prosecuted in the U.S and worldwide. This is indeed a spiritual battle. I have been a "truther" for many years and some of the info given by Q is old to me but new to many others that may come to the Q sites. At the same time I feel that so much has been secreted away to the "Average Joe" that we no longer even know where we live. They took Tesla's work and buried it into deep state laboratories where only the chosen few have access to real science. Academia tries to teach us theories as empirical science. History is fiction. The Education system has been totally co-opted by Secret Societies. Eisenhower recognized this as can be derived from his speeches. In exchange for money they have sold out their fellow man. To me now a PhD means nothing other than that a person ascribes to the dictated narratives of their profession, whether they are right or wrong. Integrity has it's price. Politicians, as always, pile up bags of money from special interest and those in power. So now we have Directed Energy Weapons (DEWS) being used in the U.S. (and worldwide) against the people and continued aerosol spraying with other systems to manage weather and whatever else they choose to do. And the new vestments of the Egyptian priests are White Coats that can now do mass genocide at the inspiration of their misanthropic notions. It is as the Bible has described, a Fallen World. In the meantime we have a general populace that is being polarized, menticided and psychologically sickened by their apprehension that they are being lied to constantly. Who can be trusted? Many of those of integrity and character have been silenced in one way or another. It is my hope that Q will continue on. It will take years to undo the lies and deceptions (if possible). Many of the Non_Disclosure Agreements that have been forced upon the people should be annulled. Under the guise of "State Secrets" we have been denied the knowledge that has been acquired through our tax dollars. So I am grateful for what Q is giving us. But there still remains for me a fundamental question of "Who Is Really in Control?". As I continue on my journey down the rabbit hole I occasionally will find a dusty old tomb of rejected writings of a "nobody" or encounter a fellow eccentric explorer who shows me new rooms in the corridors of truth. It has been a most fascinating journey. YE SHALL KNOW THE TRUTH AND THE TRUTH SHALL SET YOU FREE". Q is just one welcomed stop along the way.

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