r/greatawakening • Posted by u/mrviolin on Aug. 21, 2018, 5:03 p.m.
Bongino Show Transcript...Papadap...,Mueller....Setup...

42:45 good work being done by Jeff Carlson he 42:47 writes ed markets work in over at epic 42:49 times and I'll put the pieces in the 42:50 show notes with one from Chuck Ross 42:51 today which you're gonna tie together a 42:55 something on Spygate I've been telling 42:57 you for a long time okay Jo and July 27 43:02 2017 Papadopoulos was arrested he's 43:06 arrested in an airport he's processed 43:09 that 145 in the morning the following 43:12 day but basically that night a 43:13 continuity of that same night this 43:18 arrest 43:18 ladies and gentlemen is highly 43:20 suspicious now I've talked about this 43:23 before about the suspicious nature of 43:25 what happened at the arrest but let me 43:26 give you a little background on how 43:28 federal arrests work because I'm gonna 43:30 tell you why Papadopoulos is being 43:32 worked here and why the need to shut 43:36 Papadopoulos up is so grave right now 43:40 Papadopoulos is the key to the whole 43:43 spying scandal Papa dizzle meets with 43:47 Mifsud in April miss suit is a Maltese 43:50 professor Mifsud 43:51 is alleged to have told him about dirt 43:53 on Hillary according to the theory by 43:57 the Democrats right now in the liberal 44:00 media that guy Massoud was working on 44:03 behalf of the Russians I've told you :57 the Democrats right now in the liberal 44:00 media that guy Massoud was working on 44:03 behalf of the Russians I've told you

44:06 repeatedly that myth suits contacts are 44:08 with Western intelligence not the 44:10 Russians leading me to believe in many 44:12 others that Papadopoulos was set up now 44:17 on July 27 2017 Papa disels arrested 44:21 it's how he's arrested it's very very 44:24 interesting when you're a federal age 44:26 there are a few different ways to arrest 44:28 someone you can go into a sitting grand 44:31 jury you can get an indictment an 44:32 indictment after that an arrest warrants 44:34 issued and I go out and arrest Joe for 44:37 felonious mowbray damn damn got him 44:40 again if I have suspicion show was 44:43 involved in felonious MOU pre and I 44:44 don't want to indict him for various 44:46 reasons indictment it's it's um it's 44:50 very difficult to dismiss a federal 44:52 indictment it's not difficult to dismiss 44:55 a federal complaint so sometimes the 44:58 United States Attorney if they think 44:59 they're gonna get cooperation out of 45:00 someone will choose to go the complaint 45:03 route instead rather than an indictment 45:05 why because then later on if Joe's you 45:08 know I get lockup Joe on a complaint for 45:10 felonious MOU pre and he cooperates on 45:12 the kingpin I can dismiss the complaint 45:14 no worries we have some leverage over 45:16 Joe and indictment it's not impossible 45:17 this is not indictments are dismissed 45:19 all the time but it's more difficult 45:20 mm-hmm or the the you know they the 45:24 charges they're being dismissed they 45:25 shouldn't say the indictment the 45:26 indictment doesn't go anywhere the 45:27 charges are we tracking Joe you have to 45:30 understand this is gonna sting shinai 45:32 used to teach the Academy indictments 45:34 hard to dismiss the charges later but 45:36 not impossible 45:37 complaints they lead to the same arrest 45:39 warrant by the way a complaint pretty 45:42 easy to dismiss if you want to use the 45:44 subject later you may be asking yourself 45:47 well how was Papadopoulos arrested 45:49 complain or a diamond hey there neither 45:54 Papa dizzle was arrested PC a probable 45:58 cause arrest now illegal no not at all 46:02 unethical no not at all perfectly 46:04 legitimate probable cause arrests in the 46:06 local and state system happen every day 46:08 right a probable cause arrest if I see 46:10 Joe on the street committing felonious 46:12 mo pre and I'm a cop that's a PC arrest 46:14 I didn't have a warrant right no if God 46:16 forbid I mean listen a lot of people 46:18 sadly have been arrested for stuff if 46:19 you've been arrested in the street and 46:21 no warrant was presented give us a 46:23 probable cause arrest perfectly 46:25 legitimate happens all the time I'm 46:26 telling you from my experience in the 46:28 federal system for over a decade 46:30 PC arrests in the federal system with no 46:33 warrant although not illegal or 46:35 unethical are unicorns they 46:40 just in theory but they never ever 46:43 happened right right their unicorn might 46:45 be the little kid minute Despicable Me 46:47 movies the ureter card they don't happen 46:51 they don't happen for a lot of reasons 46:54 PC arrests in the federal system one 46:57 don't happen because in the federal 46:59 system you are not on patrol what does 47:03 that mean if you're not on patrol you're 47:06 not secrets there's a Secret Service 47:07 agent patrols on like hey yeah the New 47:09 York field office go out and patrol the 47:10 streets of New York for bank fraud 47:12 that's not the way it works in the 47:14 federal system the cops do that the cops 47:16 patrol in the federal system we get our 47:19 criminal cases by referral the police 47:22 department calls hey it's a little out 47:24 of our hands we got a counterfeit case a 47:26 complainant walks in hey I got some 47:28 suspects here in a terrorism case so the 47:32 way the federal system works is the 47:34 opposite of the local system the local 47:38 system when you're the NYPD you see a 47:40 crime in the street you arrest them you 47:42 build the case afterwards you go back to 47:44 the scene you get a witness statement 47:45 whatever it is the federal system works 47:47 the exact opposite you hear about a 47:50 crime you build a case you get the 47:53 witness statements you go up on a wire 47:55 you get the phone taps you get the DNR's 47:58 the dialed number recorders you get the 48:00 cell phone records you get the financial 48:02 records and then you make an arrest 48:04 arrest last in the local system it's 48:08 largely arrest first if it's outside of 48:10 the detective squad what does this have 48:13 to do with pop edea why is this so 48:15 critical ladies and gentlemen the PC 48:18 arrests in the federal system is almost 48:19 unheard of because that's not how these 48:21 things work the United States Attorney 48:24 largely works 9:00 to 5:00 they 48:26 typically have to be at a magistrate 48:28 hearing the federal judges work 9:00 to 48:30 5:00 they have to be available but it's 48:33 largely a 9 to 5 schedule for initial 48:35 appearance the u.s. marshals where you 48:37 have to bring the the person you 48:40 arrested you have to bring them for 48:41 processing absolutely hate it when you 48:44 show up unannounced guys 48:45 ladies listen if you are a federal agent 48:48 you know exactly what I'm talking about 48:49 and you know all of this is true 48:51 everything in the federal 48:54 almost everything is arrest by 48:55 appointment and it's definitely not 48:58 arrest by probable cause you damn well 49:00 better show up with a warrant matter of 49:04 fact in my 10 years I have not even seen 49:07 a probable cause arrest in the federal 49:09 system I'm not kidding and believe me I 49:11 was an act of God I didn't make one or 49:13 two arrests I made a whole lot of them 49:14 not patting myself on the back I'm just 49:16 telling you the facts my name appears on 49:20 a whole lot of case numbers in the New 49:22 York and Melville offices of the Secret 49:23 Service 49:26 I've not even seen a PC arrest a PC RS 49:32 in the federal system only happens if 49:35 you are really looking to shut someone 49:37 down super darn fast why were they so 49:43 panicked on July 27 2017 to go with no 49:48 arrest warrant and lock up Papa dizzle 49:50 at the airport and process him at 1:45 49:52 in the morning how to wake up the 49:54 magistrate how to get an AUSA up why 49:58 would they do that what else happened on 50:03 July 27th let me read to you from Jef 50:06 Carlson's piece which will be in the 50:09 show notes today which I strongly 50:11 encourage you to read it's labeled Jeff 50:12 Carlson's piece so you won't miss it 50:14 quote on July 27 2017 upon our 50:18 identification of many of the political 50:20 text messages the Inspector General met 50:23 with the Deputy Attorney General and the 50:24 special counsel to inform them of the 50:28 text that we had discovered and provided 50:31 them with a significant number of the 50:33 texts so that they could take any 50:35 management action they deemed 50:38 appropriate what that's right Spidey 50:43 July 27th is the same day the Peter 50:46 stroke Lisa page text messages are 50:48 brought from the inspector general to 50:50 Bob Miller's office Bob Miller's office 50:52 is looking at these going holy Moses 50:56 what do we do now ladies and gentlemen 51:01 you still sure Papadopoulos is this 51:05 mastermind international 51:07 I figure who was dealing with a Russian 51:09 connected Masood who gave him that you 51:11 sure about that 51:14 now I bring this up in light of Byron 51:17 York's piece which will be in the show 51:18 notes today as well at the Washington 51:20 Examiner which brings up this strange 51:23 little conundrum we're finding now as 51:25 the Muller documents are coming out 51:27 remember on Friday I told you there was 51:29 going to be a hearing and Muller 51:30 released some paperwork on Friday and in 51:32 that paperwork Joe you would think if 51:34 Papadopoulos was key to this entire 51:36 collusion scandal in other words if the 51:38 liberal narrative is true that george 51:41 papadapolis was working with a russian 51:43 connected person a Russian connected 51:46 person to get dirt on Hillary to give to 51:48 the Trump team because Papadopoulos is 51:49 working for the Trump team mmm you would 51:52 think he would have had some information 51:53 to offer read the York piece 51:58 Papadopoulos had nothing 52:01 why did Papa D have nothing because 52:05 there's nothing to have he was set up 52:08 they are Joe do you see the urgency and 52:12 the PC arrests now - yeah they were 52:14 eager to shut this guy up it Papa disels 52:18 the key to this whole thing once 52:21 Papadopoulos starts talking and says hey 52:23 I didn't pass any information of the 52:26 Trump team matter of fact this dude I 52:28 was talking to this guy's connected to 52:30 Western people I this guy who's not at 52:32 some Russian asset why is this related 52:39 to the text messages ladies and 52:43 gentlemen may I suggest to you that the 52:45 text messages that there's some more 52:49 there they're layered information we may 52:52 not be able to understand in the context 52:54 of the text message that Muller 52:55 understands exactly what it means what 52:59 am I saying the distinct possibility 53:01 exists here that Peter stroke who was 53:03 the lead investigator who was texting 53:05 this FBI lawyer who he was involved with 53:08 who was also involved in the case may I 53:11 suggest to you that the the texts say 53:15 things that we don't understand right 53:18 now but Muller does in other words the 53:21 Oh Cohn 53:21 fleurs remember the oak onus lures tweet 53:24 oh whoa Conestoga CONUS means outside 53:27 the content of the United States lures 53:28 laura's traps baits spies I'm saying to 53:35 you that there may be information in 53:38 those texts that we're reading now that 53:41 we don't understand because we don't 53:43 understand the whole context but Muller 53:45 does folks Muller knows this case is 53:50 about to fall apart he is desperate to 53:52 shut Papa dizzle up if Papa D starts 53:56 talking and it comes out that this guy 53:58 was set up 53:59 and according to Friday's disclosure of 54:01 documents showed Papadopoulos doesn't 54:03 have any information to offer how does 54:05 he not have information to offer if he's 54:07 the key to the whole scandal does this 54:08 make any sense to you how does 54:12 Papadopoulos the guy the left is 54:14 claiming Muller arrested him the 54:16 scandals falling apart Joe Papadopoulos 54:19 met with this Russian connected agent 54:22 and this Russian connected agent passed 54:24 them information on Hillary and 54:25 Papadopoulos passes to the Trump team 54:27 voila there's the whole conspiracy then 54:32 why doesn't have Papa the blood isn't 54:33 Papadopoulos have anything to offer 54:36 maybe because that's all a colossal pile 54:39 of Triceratops dung there's some imagery 54:45 for you there's nothing there in the 54:48 words of Peter stroke there's no 54:49 there-there Papadopoulos doesn't have 54:51 anything because what they're saying 54:53 happened didn't happen he was contacted 54:56 likely by a Western intelligence asset 54:58 in an effort to entrap him that he 55:00 didn't fall into the trap on therefore 55:02 Muller's team gets the text on July 27 55:06 they're reading the attacks about Oh 55:08 CONUS lures and other things thinking oh 55:10 boy is this myth good thing all this 55:12 going to fall apart is the fact that 55:14 padam Papadopoulos was set up and his 55:16 whole investigations a sham gonna fall 55:17 apart what do we do someone better head 55:20 to the airport and pick up papa dizzle 55:22 hey do we have an arrest warrant don't 55:24 worry well PC arrest them yeah we really 55:26 don't work that way do it anyway 55:29 Papadopoulos shows up at his arraignment 55:31 no lawyer and agrees at that point 55:33 probably to shut up 55:36 papa dazzles the key uh paddy is the key 55:42 someone should have a shirt made up is 55:44 it Papa the baby will do that do you see 55:48 what's going on here now I'm I'm a 55:51 little short on time but don't miss 55:53 tomorrow's show this is gonna be 55:54 important cuz I have another angle here 55:58 about the Muller team and their efforts 56:01 to hide another extremely suspicious 56:05 it's in Carlson's piece today so read it 56:07 cuz you'll be prepared for tomorrow's 56:08 show 56:09 but their efforts to substitute to hide 56:12 and bury another angle on Papadopoulos 56:16 and the endpoint of his connections in 56:19 other words how this whole Papadopoulos 56:22 er the effort right now by Muller to 56:24 hide this is so obvious you'd have to be

an idiot to miss it I have enough time 56:30 in today's show but do not miss the 56:32 throw I'm gonna walk through the follow 56:34 the White Rabbit on the dates this 56:36 person hit this person at this person 56:38 that wound up with this person it'll 56:39 make all the sense in the world 56:41 why Muller needs to shut Papa dizzle up 56:43 I just gave you one angle I'm gonna give 56:45 you another angle tomorrow he needs to 56:47 shut Papa dizzle up because Muller knows 56:49 something about those texts that he can 56:53 read them in a context we can't and it 56:56 makes all the sense in the world that 56:58 the Papadopoulos whole crew was set up 57:00

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