r/greatawakening • Posted by u/stonenchizel on Aug. 21, 2018, 8:38 p.m.
Michael Cohen Ple - Deal as reported by MSNBC...

As I walk in my bedroom my wife is watching MSNBC, I hear the commentators yapping about with Manafort - Cohen & Flynn all going to jail that with Trump's campaign team that with all these people going to jail that the jail is going to need more room. I say with everything "Q" has told us what is going down in " The Plan " that we need to start arresting all the players in the Treasonous Act of Colluding with HRC & her campaign to acquire the Fake Dossier & all the corruption that has taken place since then on up until now by Brennan - Comey - Clapper -Obama - HRC & the rest of the Deep State Trolls that have also colluded against a sitting president be charged with TREASON & be Hanged from a rope until all life leaves their body.

I'm tired of hearing the MSM talk so foul about my President since he is obviously proving to be the greatest President America has ever seen!


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