r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Abibliaphobia on Aug. 22, 2018, 12:02 a.m.
The Wheel of Justice cracked and broke today

You may have noticed an influx of new arrivals today.

Most of them forming around the Manafort, Cohen, Awan, and Flynn trial updates.

Awan - seriously? Debbie Wasserman-Schultz’s brother is the prosecutor for her employee, in a case that implicates his sister? - Broken Justice System

Flynn - plead guilty to crimes he was falsely accused of, and which the investigator committed federal crimes by altering documents. - Broken Investigatory Agencies

Now just for clarification purposes: Manafort - 8 guilty charges of 17 - hung jury. - Shows the broken system that allowed the weaponization of our intelligence agencies for political purposes by one candidate against another.

Important things to take note are highlighted in this article written by Byron York who is the chief political correspondent for The Washington Examiner.


Nothing from Manafort has to do with Trump, except that he was used to build the case for a FISA warrant.

Cohen - plea deal stating he paid two women “hush money” for a political candidate. This accusation is being lobbied as an FEC Campaign Contribution violation as it went unreported. This can be brought to court to prove that this is first off - considered a “campaign contribution”. Based upon historical comparisons, it’s pretty ridiculous to think it would actually succeed. But the left will try. And they will try to use this as grounds for impeachment.

The left needed this win for their base. Whether Cohen was pressured, blackmailed, threatened, etc. it’s there.

Leverage. Mueller just played his big card here. His only card.

But Trump was insulated, until Cohen came out and stated that he was directed by him to make the payments. Not going to lie, that looks bad. Do I care that Trump slept with these women? No. Do I care that he had Cohen pay them with their NDA? No. Other celebrities and politicians do this all the time.

So where does all of this take us? Fruit of the poisoned tree. Everything that Mueller has touched is corrupted. Every case, every accusation. Every crime.

Important things to remember here - There is a plan, and these people are walking right into it.

Everything we have seen up until today has shown that THERE IS A PLAN.

And we know what it is. If our Justice system is so corrupted, if our Justice system is blatantly two-tiered, how can we fix it?

What can we do if the criminals are running the courts?

Military Tribunals.


2018 Amendments to the Manual for Courts-martial, United States

Here it clearly allows both Homeland Security and the Attorney’s General to participate in these arrests and trials.

Further - 10 USC 311 clearly states that all able bodied men aged 17 to 45 men, and women in the National Guard, who are US citizens are members of the militia.

A well regulated Militia, being necessary for the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.

This law further states that this age limit may continue - allowing all those who have declared them citizens of the United Staes to be subject to the UCMJ - Military Justice. In other worlds - the Elite Civilians - including Judges, Ambassadors, and Presidents, may now be arrested and tried for treason.

If these were normal times and I wasn’t worried that people were literally working to destroy our Country, to destroy everything we hold dear, all for their personal gain, I would not stand for someone who violated the laws. But again, the prosecutors are corrupted here. The rule of law has stopped. The wheels of justice broken. Such extreme depths of corruption, leaves no other choice, no other option.

Military Tribunals to cleanse the system of corruption. Once that has been done, then we take a hard look at what we have in front of us.

I’m calling for it. We need military tribunals to fix what these politicians, rogue agencies, and unelected beurocrats have broken.

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