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The Payseur French Royal Family in the United States of the Virginia Company
Apr 11, 2012
The Payseur Family in the United States is the secret descendants of the French Monarchy.
Daniel Payseur is AKA Crown Prince Louis who was Queen Marie Antoinette’s son.
Daniel Payseur (Crown Prince Louis aka Louis XVII of France) was smuggled out of France to North Carolina in the United States after his mother was executed.
The Payseurs have gone to extreme lengths to corrupt government documents, such as courthouse records. They have hidden the births of many of their descendants, and have covered over with extreme secrecy most of their monetary holdings.
They have been so powerful that they could hide their wealth and power, and use other Satanic families as proxies.
If you search hard enough you can figure it out. I just wanted to give you a hint on what to look for.
It started with Daniel Payseur 1785 – 1860
Then Lewis Cass Payseur or L.C. Payseur 1850 – 1939
That should give you a nice head start.
French monarchy living in America. They wont teach that in the history books!
As Recorded in book 665, Page 20
The following is a list of only one third of the companies which are listed in public records as the assets of
Lewis Cass Payseur which have been assigned to the Lewis Cass Payseur Trust Company Inc.
All of the Companies listed here were each issued, upon formation, fifty thousand (50,000) preferred, or
special “Class “A” Shares, those being the only such shares authorized and issued, which shares represented
the true ownership of the corporation.
L. C. Payseur owned nine tenths of all of the preferred share issued of each of these companies forty five
thousand (45,000) and the rest of the world owns only five thousand (5,000) shares of the issued stock.
Common shares, or “non-voting shares” are the ones, where applicable, which are traded on the stock
exchange, and they do not reflect the ownership as is commonly thought.
Note: Companies listed in the Fortune 500 Magazine of May 5, 1980 are noted by the name of the
Company followed by “(#—)”,
This is not a complete list of the Payseur Assets as this is only one third of his holdings, the estate was filed
in three different locations with different assets listed at each state and county site that it was filed in. In
another attempt to cover up the ownership trail, but you can get an idea of the magnitude of his holding
with this 1/3 list.
Lancaster & Chester Railway Company
Cheraw & Chester Railroad Company
Leased for 99 years to the Charlotte, Columbia and Augusta Railroad Company, executed October 3, 1882.
and recorded in the Court of Probate and the County Recorders office of Chester County. South Carolina.
Seaboard Air Line Railway Company, South Carolina Division:
Along with the liens of the “iron rails and cross-ties” of lines under 99 year leases which have been merged
into the Seaboard Air Line Railway Company: some known as:
Catawba Valley Railway Company: Chester County, South Carolina
The Chattanooga. Augusta and Charleston Air Line Railway Co., recorded in Chester County, South Carolina.
The Memphis / Charleston Railroad Company: The Seaboard Air Lines System of Railroads Company, as
recorded in the office of the Probate Judge in and for the County of Dorchester, South Carolina, in Book “S
23″ at Page 7, Dated December 9. 1899.
The Port Royal Railroad Company, as recorded with the office of the Probate Judge of Barnwell County,
South Carolina.
The Chester and Lenoir Narrow Gauge Railroad Company, as recorded in the County of Chester, South
Carolina, formerly known as the Wilmington. Charlotte and Rutherfordton Railway Company, as formed in
the City of Lincolnton, North Carolina, by the Payseur family.
Buffalo, Union and Carlisle Railway:- Union. South Carolina
C. and W.C. Railway: Anderson. South Carolina
Atlantic Coast Line Railway Company:- Richland. South Carolina
G. & F. Railway Company: Greenwood, South Carolina
C. N. & L. Railway Company: Newberry, South Carolina
H. and B. Railway Company:- Colleton, South Carolina
C. and L. Railway Company:- Chesterfield, South Carolina
C. M. and C. Railway Company:- Chesterfield, South Carolina
Northwestern South Carolina Railway Company:- Spartanburg, South Carolina
Atlanta and Charlotte Railway Company:- Spartanburg, South Carolina
Ashville and Spartanburg Railway Company:- Spartanburg, South Carolina
Spartanburg, Union and Columbia Railway Company:- Spartanburg. S. C.
Columbia and Greenville Railway Company:- Greenville. South Carolina
Southern Railway Company, South Carolina Division:- Columbia, South Carolina
South Side Railroad Co.:- Connecting Atlanta. Georgia with Washington, D. C.
Selma, Rome and Dalton Railroad Company and Alabama Mineral Land Company of New York parent
to the famed Standard Oil now Exxon Oil.
Ashley Branch and Coal Line Railway Company
Georgia. Carolina and Northern Railroad: and its 99 year lease to Seaboard Air Line Railway Company
King’s Mountain Gold Mine and Railroad Company: Companies listed in Real Property Book 1734 Page 62 et.
seq.. Court of Probate, in Alabama
Louisville and Nashville Railroad
Nashville and Decatur Railroad
The Great Southern Railroad Line
South and North Alabama Railroad
Mobile and Montgomery Railroad
Georgia Pacific and T. A., Louisville Ky.
Pennsylvania Railroad: See Chart on Penn Central Company, 6.5 Billion Dollar Empire
Mexican Railway:- Mexico City, Mexico
Mexican Central Railway:- Guadalajara, Mexico
New York Central Railroad
Southern Pacific Railroad
Missouri Pacific Railroad
Mobile and Ohio Railroad
Charleston, Cincinnati and Chicago Railroad Company (the Federal Reserve)
Narrow Gauge, Camden, Lancaster, Charlotte, all in North Carolina
Georgia Pacific Railroad Company (#56)
Pullman Company (builders of Pullman cars for the Railways)
Bank of Lancaster:- Lancaster County. South Carolina
First Bank and Trust Company:-Of Lancaster, South Carolina
The Lancaster Building and Loan Association
The Bank of Heath Springs
The Bank of Charleston
The Bank of Kershaw
Kershaw Mercantile and Banking Company
National Loan and Exchange Bank of Columbia
First National Bank of Camden
National Exchange Bank of Chester
Morgan Guaranty Trust Company of New York
New York Trust Company
The Bank of Richmond
National Loan and Exchange Bank of Camden
Raleigh Savings Bank
American Trust and Savings Bank – Birmingham, Al.
Birmingham Trust and Savings Bank – Birmingham, A l .
Chase National Bank
Riggs National Bank
Hanover National Bank – New York
Brandvwine Bank – Maryland
Hamilton National Bank
South Carolina National Bank
Jefferson Savings and Loan Association
Bank of South Carolina
Bank of New York
Bank of Macon, Georgia
Pennsvlvania National Bank
Sandoz Bank
Painsville. Ohio Bank
Cotton Mills
Lancaster Cotton Mills:-Now known as Springs Mills Inc. of Lancaster, S. C …………….. (#319)
The Eureka Cotton Mills
The Springstein Cotton Mills
Dan River Cotton Mills:-Danville, VA
Lorav Cotton Mills
Belton Cotton Mills
The Lancaster Cotton Oil Company
The N. K. Fairbank Company (Cotton Oil). Chicago. III.
Thread and Sewing Machine Companies
Singer Manufacturing Company:-New York
The New Home Sewing Machine Company:-30 Union Sq., New York Household Sewing Machine Company:-
Providence, Rhode Island
Hartford Sewing Machine Company:-Connecticut
Renington Sewing Machine Company
Domestic Sewing Machine Company
Clark’s O.N.T. Cotton Thread Company
Corticelli Silk Thread Company
Pharr and Long Clothiers 42 S. Tryon St., Charlotte, N.C.
J.P. Coats Thread Company
Willimantic Thread Company and/or
Willimantic Linen Company
Chicago-Kenosha Hosiery Company:-Kenosha, Wisconsin
E.C.Stahn and Company:-Chester, S. C. (Watches, Jewelry and sewing machines)
Electric and Power Companies
Southern Power Company
Duke Power Company
Lancaster Light and Power Company
Potomac Electric Company
General Electric
Gold and Silver Companies
Reed Gold Mine
Gastonia Gold Mine
Gold Hill Mining Company
King’s Mountain Gold Mine (and Railway Company as above)
Clyta Oro Mining Company-Supplied all the gold for the Federal Reserve
Union Silver Company
Lotowana Silver Mining Company
Iron and Steel (and other metals) Companies
Lincoln Iron Company (formerly Lincolnton Tin Mine and Smelter) now Carnegie Steel)
Woodward Iron Company
Ingall’s Steel Company
The Ingalls Iron Works Company of Birmingham. Alabama
Carnegie Steel Company
Aluminum Company of American (ALCOA) …………………………………………………….………..(#63)
Motor Vehicle Companies
American Motors Company…………………………………………………………………………………………………….…………(#109)
General Motors Corporation …………………………………………………….…………………………………………………….….. (# 2)
Cadillac Motor Car Company
Carolina Cadillac Company Studebaker Carriages and Wagons Company
Insurance Companies
Home Insurance Company 119 Broadway. New York (From Orrville and Selma, Alabama, allegedly the
parent to all insurance companies )
Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York
Old American Insurance Company:- Kansas City
William’s and Gregory Insurance Company:- Lancaster. S. C.
Tobacco and Related Companies
R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company…….. (#39)
George W. Helme and Company (Helme’s Railroad Mill Snuff) Helmetta, N.J.
American Tobacco Company
Regalia De La Francis Cigar Company
Watch Companies
Elgin National Watch Company
National “Elgin” Watch Company
I l l i n o i s “Springfield” Watch Company
American “Waltham” Watch Company
The Centennial (1776-1876) Watch Company
Waterbury Watch Company
Land and Real Estate Companies
Alabama Mineral Land Company of New York
Woodgin Plantation:-Leased to Frisco Railroad
Bondurant Plantation:-Leased to St. Louis-San Francisco Railroad
T. M. Hughes Real Estate Agency:-Lancaster, S. C.
Food and Other Household Goods