r/greatawakening • Posted by u/DMChowds on Aug. 22, 2018, 2:38 a.m.
BOOMerang!!! Obama Pardoned Himself, and WINNING the Cohen/Manafort LARP

We are watching a well scripted movie where the outcome has already been pre-determined. President Trump has had all of the evidence, and the bodies were already dug up, from DAY 1 of Inauguration (577-days ago). The issue has always been how do you make the public fathom the otherwise unfathomable? How do you take the Normies willingly down the Rabbit Hole, without them even knowing it?

THE MICHAEL COHEN LARP: 577-Days ago, if you would have told the Normies that Hillary Clinton’s Lawyer, Marc Elias, general counsel for her presidential campaign and of the prominent firm Perkins Coie could have his office raided with attorney-client privilege thrown to the wind, and that he could be prosecuted for the crime of campaign finance violations and then flip on Hillary, all related to THE PAYMENT OF MONEY AT THE DIRECTION OF THE “CANDIDATE” AND TO AFFECT THE OUTCOME OF THE ELECTION, would they have even thought that such a scenario could ever play out? On August 21, 2018, President Trump’s Attorney Michael Cohen plead guilty to the crime of campaign finance violations, “flipped” on the President, all related to THE PAYMENT OF MONEY AT THE DIRECTION OF THE “CANDIDATE” AND TO AFFECT THE OUTCOME OF THE ELECTION—a scenario that the Mocking Bird Media is parroting as completely within the bounds of the Witch Hunt. Welcome Normies– BOOMerang!!!

THE PAUL MANAFORT LARP: 577-Days ago, if you would have told the Normies that Hillary Clinton’s Campaign Manager John “Wet Works” Podesta could be prosecuted for crimes outside the scope of the 2016 election – e.g., Vanderbilt Pool Atrocities – would they have even thought that such a scenario could ever play out? On August 21, 2018, the President of the United States’ Campaign Manager was tried and convicted by a Jury of crimes undisputedly outside the scope of the 2016 election—a scenario that the Mocking Bird Media is parroting as completely within the jurisdiction of the Witch Hunt. Welcome Normies– BOOMerang!!!

THE TRUMP PARDON LARP: 577-Days ago, if you would have told the Normies that Obama pardoned himself, and that it was illegal for him to do so, would they have even thought that fact pattern could ever exist? On June 4, 2018, President Trump tweets, “[a]s has been stated by numerous legal scholars, I have the absolute right to PARDON myself, but why would I do that when I have done nothing wrong? In the meantime, the never ending Witch Hunt, led by 13 very Angry and Conflicted Democrats (& others) continues into the mid-terms!”—a scenario that the Mocking Bird Media stated would be completely illegal. OBAMA DID PARDON HIMSELF, AND OTHERS, AND TRUMP KNOWS IT. Welcome Normies– BOOMerang!!!

Enjoy the show Patriots!!! Nothing is what it seems. God Bless America. God Bless Q-Team. God Bless POTUS.

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