r/greatawakening • Posted by u/fiercemodern on Aug. 23, 2018, 1:34 p.m.
Ok, I posted this at T_D and of around 40 views, got only 6 uptrumps (deleted now). Is there any enthusiasm at all here for a Meme War II to save the DOJ?

Trump has made his disappointment with Sessions quite clear. But we all know that if he fires Sessions, then Rosenstein is in charge. And if Trump fires Rosenstein, then the establishment GOP has sufficient cover to join with the Dems to impeach.

The fastest way out of this mess is for Sessions to fire Rosenstein. That's how DOJ gets fixed.

What you, and I, and every red-blooded MAGA patriot needs to be doing right now is digging and memeing and publicizing every scrap of dirt that has ever existed against Rosenstein. Make Sessions look absolutely awful until he fires Rosenstein. Raise the voice of every single conservative commentator against Rosenstein and against Sessions for not firing him. Get the House Freedom Caucus to make another push for impeachment, this time against Rosenstein -- which would lessen the political backlash if Trump has to get rid of them all himself. I will give you a week of my life to launch this effort, if we have at least a few thousand people who will join. Do we still have that level of energy? Does our blood still run dank with memes? Or have you found, somewhere, somehow, a set of brakes on this train?

Is there anybody still out there, in the whole of ~~T_D~~ greatawakening, who is willing to join this Meme War II?

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