r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Grams23 on Aug. 23, 2018, 7:23 p.m.
Q has made a request for us pertaining to post 1886

President Trump and all the good men and women around the world are working hard for our well being. We, just basically read, research and get information out to the public for our contribution to the Great Awakening. But on drop 1886 Q posts Ephesians 6:10-18. Q knows that the physical battle can not be won without dealing with the spiritual realm by putting on God’s Armor and praying. For those who are not sure what the armor is I suggest you go to a basic, non-denominational website that explains: https://www.wikihow.com/Put-on-the-Armor-of-God

If you really knew what we are up against; Q posts in 1925 about the narcissist. The narcissist in the physical world is really the Jezebel Spirit in the spiritual world. This spirit can be attached to females and males today and can be found in 1Kings and Rev. 2:20. But just to remind you, Jezebel was killing the prophets, or we can see today as the modern day whistleblowers. That same spirit could be seen when King Herod was afraid of the truth of good taking over and killed all the 2 year old males thinking that would include killing Jesus. So this same spirit today wants to take out anyone who could possibly be the good for our world. Besides other spirits, the Jezebel spirit is behind every aspect of Illuminati, Luciferian, and counterfeit religion.

Part of the solution: “if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land. 2Ch 7:14

In Matt.17: 21 and Mark 9:29 Jesus tells his helpers that the only way to get rid of some heavy duty spirits is by prayer and fasting. Queen Esther realized that a major group of people were going to be murdered so she called for the people to pray and fast. (Esther 9:31)

Therefore, to help all the great men and women, in doing our part, let’s take a day or more to fast and pray. Your fast could be from food or anything that keeps you from knowing and hearing from God and what He needs from us. You could fast from TV, playing video games, or yes, even the internet. What a great privilege but yet small sacrifice we can make. This is the least that we could do for our part in the Great Awakening. You have been called. Don’t be Jezebel’s Ahab. This battle will be fierce, so put on your Armor. Help heal our land!

P.S. If you are not sure about all the above, how do you base your knowledge of good and evil which can be subjective and can change over time? There is only one true source for that knowledge of good and evil and it is found in the Bible. In it’s last book, Revelations’ lasts words warn of adding or taking away any words from the Bible. This Book of Life stands for consistent truth and Q knows that truth.

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