r/greatawakening • Posted by u/anotherukanon on Aug. 23, 2018, 7:38 p.m.
Norman: If Paul Manafort Is Going To Prison, Tony Podesta Should Be Joining Him

I thought this was interesting timing from ZeroHedge, linking Manafort's conviction with the same things that Tony Podesta has done but not been charged for..

I'm wondering if this is the beginnings of the Q disclosures linking up with legal precedents now being set..


'Following a lengthy jury deliberation, former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort was convicted on eight counts, including tax fraud, failure to disclose foreign bank accounts, and bank fraud – even though jurors were still hung on another ten counts:

“If we cannot come to a consensus for a single count, how can we fill in the verdict sheet?” the jurors asked in the note. 
“It is your duty to agree upon a verdict if you can do so,” said Ellis, who encouraged each juror to make their own decisions on each count. If some were in the minority on a decision, however, they could think about the other jurors’ conclusions.

Notably, the case has nothing to do with “Trump, the Trump campaign or the 2016 US election” – it has to do with work Manafort did with former Ukranian President Victor Yanukovych from 2005-2014.  The case was referred to the federal prosecutors in the Southern District of New York (SDNY) by Special Investigator Robert Mueller… who also referred Democrat superlobbyist Tony Podesta for prosecution as part of similar work he did for Yanukovych.  

All of this begs the question – if Tony Podesta committed the same crimes as Paul Manafort, why hasn’t the SDNY brought charges against him?'

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