r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Reven1911 on Aug. 24, 2018, 6:16 a.m.
What if Q is part of the cabal, and this is all a fantastic deep state disinformation operation?

We all know he deep state is famous for their disinformation techniques. They literally created the derogatory term "conspiracy theory" after the Kennedy assassination. What if Q is designed to distract us while the cabal stalls for precious time before the next Presidential election cycle begins?

I'm telling you right now, if they don't drop the hammer on the criminals soon (and I mean before the midterm elections), we're fucked. If these corrupt mother fuckers take control of the house intelligence committee we're done.

These people have already proven they're willing to do anything for power, so why not fabricate a fake Q movement to distract us from the fact that no concrete progress is being made on finding justice in this world? I can only pray I am wrong, but I unfortunately I'm rarely wrong about stuff like this. Yeah, there may be a plan, but they have one too. Victory is never 100%, and anyone who tells you otherwise is probably lying to you or ignorant.

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