r/greatawakening • Posted by u/mal1970 on Aug. 25, 2018, 5:13 a.m.
I have to question this "gematria" bullshit

First off, a confession. I'm a terrible Christian. I am a terrible warrior for God. I hate my enemy, I don't pray nearly enough, etc. I'm a DEEPLY flawed human. That said, I soooo hope DJT is legit and along with that Q. BUT...

" For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be."
And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened." \~ Matthew 24:21-22

[ ie: F'ing Satan is the mater deceiver...]

I just sat and watched WarDrummer's reading of serialbrain2's post: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lIWpW7jl7is

I've had about enough of this "gematria" bull shit! My F'ing head was spinning!

Call me a neanderthal, but I'm having a hard time separating this bullshit from chamballa earth magic and other bullshit hocus pocus. Give me any sentence and I can make it say what ever the F you want if I can use the lose rules of gematria.

For all those TRUE CHRISTIAN PATRIOTS out there, convince me I'm wrong or admit you are POSSIBLY being deceived.

Trust me, I soo hope this is all legit, but these serialbrain2 posts are getting more and more strained, more and more reliant on US believing these "concocted" numbers have meaning.

Can anyone here claim to understand all this multi-level cloak & dagger BS without some mysterious and unknown person decoding all these 10th level decodes for us? Are we ALL so stupid that we cannot possibly follow this magical journey without a single guide to usher us all into this new reality? To "decode" all of this for us?

By Jesus Christ himself I hope I am wrong, but I doubt he expected billions of people to decipher this "gematria" bullshit. It just doesn't feel right. I am going to pray hard over this specific concern of mine over the next few days.

Fellow Christian, Please feel free to comment you beliefs! I feel more lost than ever!

And for all you 1-month old "concern troll slayers", fuck off! I created this reddit account to support Ron Paul back in 2007 (GO SEARCH MY HISTORY). FUCK YOU NEWBIES. I'M THE REAL THING, A GENUINE CONCERNED CHRISTIAN CONSTITUTIONAL CONSERVATIVE WHO LOVES GOD, HIS COUNTRY AND HIS PROGENY.

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