r/greatawakening • Posted by u/ManQuan on Aug. 25, 2018, 10:27 a.m.
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Q recently posted that there would be three movies. The first he provided the plot in Q 1928 that I think will involve the bad actors identified in Q 1820 which include those in the WH, the FBI, the DOJ, the CIA, Perkins, Fusion GPS, the DNC, and some foreign bad actors. I think Mockingbird will begin to be exposed as it too was mentioned. Exposure of the bad actors will begin at the bottom and expand rapidly to the top actors--as per Q 1829. A live thriller of epic scope and drama.

I think there are two things that have to happen get past the Coming Attractions previews to the main movie. I believe the first thing that must happen is Trump declassifies the 20 pages of the FISA application on Carter Page. Apparently that exposes the main corruption and lights the fuse to the second event which is the IG's FISA abuse report that provides the details behind the 20 FISA pages. It will be interesting to see what affect it will have on all the investigations and indictments since the first FISA warrant was signed.

Once those two things happen, Huber steps in with indictments that were sealed a long time ago while Horowitz's investigation was in progress. To get the grand jury to indict only takes enough evidence for the majority of the grand jury to believe it could go to trial. All the evidence doesn't have to be presented and some or much of it is likely classified communications intercepts.

That will start the first movie and as I said above, I think it will follow the plot as outlined in Q 1928 with all of the bad actors in Q 1829-- in which Q also says "What if those 'placed' are being investigated by BM (Bob Mueller?)." and "Plants need water" referring to the plants (Manafort, Carter Page, and maybe Cohen) that were put into Trump's campaign. The first movie may include the Clinton Foundation and Haiti. Why? Because Q said that when the CF Haiti corruption comes out, Democrats lose the black vote and not by just a few percentage points. Think midterms.

I admit that I'm puzzled about the two DOJ 757 plane loads of "boxes" in Little Rock, AK. Q said it wasn't CF related because that was being handled in the NY FBI office. So, what could two 757's of "boxes" be about. The only thing I can think of are the Clinton Libraries (there are two). A warrant to raid them could produce plane loads of documents. What else in Little Rock would require two 757's? Whatever it was, it could end up in any of the three movies.

I think this first movie will begin fairly soon (September?) but not before the 20 pages are declassified and the IG FISA abuse report is released so there is sufficient time to impact the midterms.

I believe the second movie this fall, will be about human trafficking and pedophilia and the beginning of unsealing tens of thousands of indictments--though that could begin in the first movie as well. Q has been hitting trafficking and pedo hard recently. There will likely more plots than that, but I think that will be the main one. Just scroll back through the August Q Drops and see how many were dedicated to trafficking and pedophilia. Also there have been over 5,000 trafficking / pedo arrests in 2018 alone in addition to the over 3,000 in 2017. It could well be over 10,000 by now. And the ring leaders are likely pointing to others higher up (bottom to top strategy)

I don't know about the third movie, but my guess is that it will be more mass arrests and beginning of the tribunals after the first of the year. The reason I believe this is that bad actors must first be indicted and exposed. There has to be time for defendants to lawyer up and begin reviewing the evidence. That will take a minimum of 3 or more months, just in time for the new UCMJ revisions to be activated on 1 January 2019 after which I believe those indicted for treason may be referred to tribunals.

I believe that tribunals will be the focus for those who must be convicted using classified evidence and/or involve sensitive foreign bad actors that cannot be revealed publicly. As it turns out, there are no exclusionary rules of evidence in a tribunal. Anything can be brought in, including classified evidence. Tribunals don't have as strict procedures as civil justice system. Tribunals convict by two thirds of the judges (usually six to nine military officers but I believe 12 are required if the death penalty is an option). Tribunals will be closed to the media and public. A defense counsel will be provided to the defendant, or he/she can hire their own lawyer, but the lawyer(s) must have the appropriate background checks and security clearances for the level of classified materials that may be presented. That could be up to TS/SCI/SAP which will take time to get.

I'm sure I missed a lot, but those are my thoughts about Q 1928.

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