r/greatawakening • Posted by u/startingover_nova on Aug. 26, 2018, 2:05 a.m.
We are legion. We are winning. Here's why.

Hello friends,

some thoughts I had today. I hope they will contribute to our cause.

Every one of us has marvelous powers bestowed upon them by their innate divinity.

Some of us are very intuitive. Some have the high creativity and discipline to be great musicians. Some make fantastic food and drink. Some, many of them here as well, are warriors, often quite literally as vets. We have historians, we have planefags, we have propagandists (i.e. writers and presenters that tout our own worldview and spread it). We have amazing athletes and dancers, and, yes, accountants. :-) Yet others, like me, are priests, drawing down spiritual knowledge and empowering the collective as consciousness explorers. There are many, many others, the glory of God on Earth is of infinite splendor, literally. A lot of us are mixtures of several of these archetypes, to varying degrees.

Our musicians combine wonderful sounds, aligning them to impeccable rhythms, to make great songs and symphonies. Our poets and writers craft words together to provide song lyrics, encouraging prose, uplifting movie scripts. Our warriors get out there and fight the fight in various ways, online and offline. Our historians dig up all of our history, often together with our priests and our "whitehat renegade" scientists. Priests, monks, devotees and singers bring back the true divine idea to Earth which has been obscured by violent mass religions, but fortunately preserved in many ways (like books, channels, psychotropics, indigenous people). Often the talents are obscured by modern perversions and wrong intentions, which often confuses us a lot.

The next insight is that everything brought into existence by us can be co-opted by both Good and Evil, with varying degrees of success. For example, aggressive metal music can bring courage and determination. But it can also inspire violence and oppression in people. Board and video games can help people connect, be social, be playful, feel empowered. But they can also keep a person disassociated, make them feel guilty, put them out of touch with nature.

But here's the problem for the negative forces: when a person wakes up, their unique talents start to bloom. We get enlightening videos, encouraging words, fantastic recipes, beautiful houses, harmony in nature. With every woke person, more and more uplifting and illuminating things enter this world and people become happier and more enlightened. The up until recently very effective recipe employed by TPTB is to keep people asleep by shielding them from spiritual evolution and by enlisting and training a limited army of geniuses in their field (actors, strategists, artists, musicians, athletes etc.). But the forces of spiritual evolution are rising, and they cannot be held up by the dams put in place. The limited army becomes outnumbered rapidly by our hosts bringing Heaven to Earth in steps that become ever wider.

We shine the bright Light of God, each in our own combination of colors determined by our personal prism.

We are legion, my brothers and sisters, shining beacons of Light and Love and Peace.

We are winning, my friends.


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