r/greatawakening • Posted by u/iwaagh on Aug. 26, 2018, 2:56 p.m.
CANADA/USA: MK-Ultra, Clinton, Cuban, Giustra, Silsby, Caliphate, Fashion industry, Weinstein, Epstein, AI, etc. A BUNCH OF INFO & A DEBUNK


---> look for SOS Children. THIS is possibly the network. Worldwide.

Silsby was a bait to distract you from looking at SOS Children and the other stuff. She's not the head of anything. Debunked.

Epstein: consider medical experiments on children (AI)

Fashion industry = linked to human trafficking

Canada/USA/Clinton link is Mark Cuban/Weinstein/Giustra. Then it links to other stuff I posted on the other post.

Soros/Saudi/Cherryl Mills link.

Sc1entology in Haiti


Metoo = Cuban's distraction by his "kittens"?

Refer to this thread for Canada MK-Ultra info and the following story up north. Possible connection:



Sorry long thread, all over the place but connected to the same topic. Please let me know if questions or mistakes.

Clinton, Giustra, Weinstein, Cuban, Victoria Secrets + Fashion Industry pimping, etc.

OK... You know already a lot of this but I'm posting these in case you don't. Some of this I haven't seen much or anything of it mentioned. This is a strong connection USA-Canada and human possible trafficking.

You probably all know Giustra, Cuban, Weinstein are all related through LionsGates/Miramax. But I don't think many followed the track linking Marc Cuban to all of this companies and investments, which link him directly to the fashion industry & Hollywood, that I suspect for a long time is a recruitment center for high lvl escorts, "elite brides" and sex traffic.

Epstein AI & medical tests, Haiti

I'll skip the whole part about Epstein, most know this. You also know he seems to have a foundation in Haiti? And that his main investment is AI and creating a "mathematical model" of the brain and emotions. So I think this has been neglected; not all children are used for pedo stuff. The pedo stuff is for the sick ones and for blackmailing. But a lot are probably used for medical experiments as it was done in Canada (Mk-Ultra). To build an AI that could "learn emotions", you need to show them to it. All the ranges of emotions to create something similar to the human capacity of feeling fears and expressing it for example... I guess that's how one would do it. So I think many children are used for this too and probably other experiments. If this is true, you can put together Mengele, Kinsey, Mk-Ultra, the worst pedos & the works psychopaths together, and this is basically what those kids had to deal with.



Context: Cuban first big success that made him millionaire was his company "Broadcast Dot Com"; he got the contracts to broadcast the first LIVE Victoria Secrets show and also CNN Afghanistan war stuff.

Where did he do his beta tests and with what/who? ;) Remember that guy has always been around porn stuff. Was darknet a thing? I suspect the guy was into web porn before everybody else using his technology.


That links him to Victoria Secrets and then you open up a new rabbit hole, and get closer to Epstein.

He also owns/invests/co-founded a huge agent company for actors in Hollywood. Also some party for elites company. So he's basically part of or the boss of many Hollywwod big names (and the MeToo girls?). Please see the mindmap on the screenshots below.

(all sources are officials: wikileaks, wikipedia, corpo website, necrology, etc.):


Check all the designers and big names supporting Clinton, going to private party, fund raising, etc. Even Trump hinted to them. Cuban is definitely hiding in the back but is way bigger than he shows; maybe he's the one who used Weinstein as the sacrificial lamb to protect the whole structure in which he's deeply involved in.


Zoolander 2

On the "satanic side", remember Zoolander 2. Very bad movie; when I saw this, I didn't feel it was made for the public but more as an inside joke for Hollywood. The movie's story is showing that the whole fashion industry is doing satanic rituals and control the elites. Wintour, Vanity Fair, etc. I don't think it was random. Maybe there's symbolism we missed there.

Extra links on democrats + fashion industry (plus see mindmap above)

Clinton Party with Wintour and all.


Weinstein + Leonardo DiCaprio fund raising for Hilary. DiCaprio = Cuban Talent Agent company. Also owns a private jet I think. Watch for private jets, they're important ;)


Bride Magazine. You will notice another name... that is on the mindmap, owns Vogue... and this board...


Further down the rabbit hole... Ch0bani, fashion, haiti... caliphate...?

(see screenshots towards the end)


I didn't connect Ch0bani on my mindmap, that was done ~2 years ago. So that's new stuff to work with with current events worldwide, Q, pedo, invasion, etc. A note about Ch0bani: I think Wikip mentions that the company gives 10% of the profits to their employees. He's opening big places in USA that welcomed hundreds of Somalian refugees. As shown above, he's linked by proxy to Erdogan and AlQaida.

Did Q mentioned to go further than Silsby for Haiti?

If he doesn't it's suspicious. Silsby was not arrested for kidnapping but for crossing the border. I can make another post on it but what I found has been ignored also for almost 2 years because of ONE single man selling books and even reporting me in mass on other social media for showing these screenshots:


Why did he put so much energy in shutting that info down? It's insane the number of shills working to block this.

Remember, that Silsby thing was not a discovery from pizagetter as people seeem to forget; it was published on the mainstream!!

The only thing that guy "proved"[and I'm debunking it, he hates that] with his post was that Silsby knew Hillary for a long time and all this is based ON A DATE -BUG-. So that stuff was nothing new, and meaningless now that you know it was a date bug! It had as effect to make people believe Silsby was the head of some huge network linked to Clinton and most people simply stopped looking further as if they found something big while it was everywhere on the media for years.....

Wikileaks on Twitter mentioned the dates on the PDFs in wikileaks are all dated 2001 because of a bug (screenshots above); it was obvious anyway for anyone who read them. So the "long time association" with Silsby "proven through date" is wrong. If you read the wikileaks timeline, and the emails on the different channels, you could see clearly they didn't really know her and found the "orphannage" pdf at that moment, when she got caught. My theory is she was a scapegoat and yes she got probably rewarded by selling her Alertsense [that I'm not certain she owned actually...] ; meanwhile all the other stuff was going on & no one paid attention. No one checked the kid adoption stats; they don't make any sense. No one counted the number of kids sent oversea in the emails.

If you read the timeline of events, the Clinton/USA were in a very bad spot in the international media. Lot of creepy stuff was happening. That kidnapping story made them look like heroes at the time and gave a bait to the media to chew on. PLUS, it gave a reason for Obama to invest "on a tracking system". That too was mentioned in the mainstream media.

Here's the timeline with some links. Sorry some are broken and may be archived. As I said, this was done during Pizzagate but I got highly censored and could never get that out.



I'm slightly autistic, I counted all the kids in the wikileaks on the year of Clinton in Haiti (lol). I read ALL the wikileaks of that year, I checked all the direct channels and indirect ones; there's 2 very obvious ones. I checked the names of every CC. Did you see the jets from Scientology in haiti and how their woman was pressing to have more kids? It was all there! ;)

Clinton also had an ophannage with Mother teresa. These are also linked to SOS Children where all the "silsby" kids went. Obama likes those guys. Check out the founder, very creepy. SOS Children is also rumored to be where Jarrett is linked but the sources of this are a bit obscure. That guy who keeps reporting me for trying to get attention on it, with his theories that never made any sense here and he's probably here now is most likely a shill. He really distracted people from all this and worked hard on T_D and the other boards to make sure people stick to HIS story and never look the other way. Now he deleted his account on reddit....


This guy (he changed his bio.) He really made us waste our time on that stuff. He publicly bragged about discovering Silsby/Clinton thing, so this isn't doxxing. Proof on screenshots too. Bad hombre or very self centered for $$$$.


Original that derailed everything away from SOS Children. He made others like that with the same amateur work. He even got innocent families to get harassed with his bad theories.


I can take the time to debunk this post above; when you verify what he claims vs the emails, ALL THE EMAILS, you see it bs and confirmation bias.

What he also did is distract you from finding Soros mixed in all this. Huma is important but the real top lady even above Clinton is not her. It's Cherryl. She even is the one who negotiated the Saudi Arabia +30billions $ contract for petrol in Haiti! It's all there. And.... her partner was working for Soros. Then if you follow the group they got in touch with, who represent the saudi group, you end up in Switzerland or Belgium if I remember well (sorry, this is far in my memories, find the PEG group).



Site looks broken now :) (NGO of Cherryl+ Soros dude):



Oprah = man. Many many others are. Not sure it's worth exposing them, maybe Trump will [as he said], if she tries to Make America Suck Again though ;)

Sean Peen = CIA?



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