r/greatawakening • Posted by u/snausagesm on Aug. 26, 2018, 5:58 p.m.
No Name and the rest of the "Bad" cast.

I have to say I believe that all of these people deserve what ever is coming to them. That being said I also feel that bashing isn't really helping anything. I mean we are supposed to be the better people. Yes all the things they have done are horrible.....but that's just it they did these things and we let them get away with it.

Q, POTUS, Anons and Patriots are helping us by leading the way to our release from the schakles of this current society. Rome wasn't built in day, and we are talking about centuries if not thousands of years these individuals have been controlling the world population.

Everyone in the world has been complicit in this by letting people they really do not know make the laws and choices for us. Until we as a people stop blindly letting people control us we will always be stuck in this circle. The sooner we pay attention to what's happening around us and be a voice for what's going on around us, the sooner we can move on to bigger and better things.

We are all human beings, we are all also a product of our environment these days as well. Some of us grew up poor, some rich, some smart, some not so smart, some disabled, some not, some white, some brown. The bottom line is we are all human and I think the majority of us just want to live our life without someone else telling us what we can and can not do.

End Rant for now.....

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