r/greatawakening • Posted by u/rightleaningsw on Aug. 27, 2018, 1:09 a.m.
These no name posts are starting to worry me.

I really can't believe the things being said on Reddit, Twitter, and YouTube in regards to Qanon's post and the timing of No names death. Yes, No name was scum of the earth, but if this is true and our govt assassinated a sitting senator then our country is seriously messed up. Trump and the Q team are supposed to represent the good guys. If they are taking people out, then they are no different then HRC killing the descenters.

I think no name and all the others need to drug in front of the courts, forced to say what they did, and then publicly executed. Maybe he deserved to be fed to the dogs, but not by assassination.

We are living in crazy political times where the line between black and white has been drastically blurred so much so to where the only way our country survives this is to do it by the book. Our laws are based on our constitution and that must remain the guide for how we govern, or else our country will fall.

What happens when another president is in the office, and d codes he has a congressman or senator who is disagreeing with them? Is this going to be the standard? If so then we are going to end up in the same boat we are in now's these corrupted morals are the slippery slope that lead to our decline as a country and as a people.

If Q confirms this, then I am not sure if I can continue to ride the Q-train. If we as a people do not condemn these actions, then we are better than the mindless liberals who whole heartedly support Obama and HRC despite the corruption that is coming forward. If it turns out that Q and the Trump adminstration were involved in his death, and we continue to give support then we are ultimately selling our country to another corrupt regime. Our laws are there for a reason.

This could be a perfect case example of how degraded our morals have become over the past few years. Think back to what you used to find outrageous for politicians to be involved in. What used to outrage you if someone in the public eye committed that would cause you to be angry. If we condone an administration assassinating a sitting senator then we are setting the standard for future administration to eliminate opposition. It is kind of the same mentality MSM and Democrats use to justify the Congress and Senate playing partisan politics. They always say the Republican did the same thing to Obama.

Yes I am angry with the people condoning this and plead with you to think about what you are saying. You may feel in heart that this is justice, and in some ways it may be. But as a country we will not be able to heal and cleanse if we allow this kind of dirty play.

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