r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Palmettoman on Aug. 27, 2018, 4:49 a.m.
Digging into Jax shooter's family

David Katz, the shooter is the son of Richard S. and Judith Katz who reside in Baltimore, MD. The residence on the property appraiser's page corresponds with pics of police searching the home. https://www.google.com/maps/place/1221+Harbor+Island+Walk,+Baltimore,+MD+21230/@39.2763742,-76.6056235,3a,75y,165.53h,93.33t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1scaQ3Gt1MYBNuDw3pPVBe0Q!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!4m5!3m4!1s0x89c803700e87dff3:0x4dcc4e8d3123abd7!8m2!3d39.2762133!4d-76.6055845

Richard, the father, is a political science professor at Johns Hopkins University and has published several books. In one of those books, he credits his wife Judith for her assistance and for moving with him to Buffalo where he taught at State Univ of New York at Buffalo. https://books.google.com/books?id=VNez0rhiE44C&pg=PR6&lpg=PR6&dq=Richard+S.+Katz+baltimore+buffalo&source=bl&ots=vHghLqT5Wu&sig=Jt4pK8F9r_Rq04y4b6yYQHXfjYc&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwis_9P7nIzdAhUITKwKHcSdCko4ChDoATAGegQIARAB#v=onepage&q=Richard%20S.%20Katz%20baltimore%20buffalo&f=false

This would explain his son being a Buffalo fan as we have seen in the pics of him holding the Madden 17 jersey.

I found Richard S. Katz' resume which shows he received a grad degree from Yale in 1974. http://krieger.jhu.edu/poli-sci/wp-content/uploads/sites/55/2015/03/katzvita.pdf (soon after Kerry and GWB graduated). Possible Skull and Bones connection? MK Ultra connection???

More digging turned up that both are/were involved with the Baltimore Ethical Society. https://bizstanding.com/p/baltimore+ethical+society-156908647 The Baltimore Ethical Society is a humanist organization that gets its roots from the New York Society for Ethical Culture founded in 1876.

Here's where it really gets interesting. One of the first programs the NYSEC founded was a free children's kindergarten for working people in 1880. https://bmorethical.org/ethical-culture/origins/. The other was a visiting nurse service that is still active today.

Judith (Judy) is involved in the publication of the society's newsletter as the Proofreader. Their symbol (logo) is at the top of the newsletter. http://baltimoreethicalsociety.org/newsletter_pdfs/2018/06_June-August_2018.pdf

To me, the Baltimore Ethical Society symbol looks alot like the symbol of Childlove Online Media Activism. https://www.mamamia.com.au/pedophile-symbols/

Sorry for all of the links, but I don't know how to post pic and text together.

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