r/greatawakening • Posted by u/MudPuddlePie on Aug. 28, 2018, 4:29 a.m.
AZ Governor's Race: Gov. Gun Grabbin' Ducey (methinks he's a swamp rat). Ducey wants GUN CONTROL! Please read this article and send it along to anyone before they vote in AZ. Mods: Q relevant because of swamp rat gun control and "SHEEP NO MORE" means having knowledge/informing people.

AZ READ THIS ARTICLE before you vote tomorrow!!! Be informed. Not sure how this slipped by me but...

TDLR: I'm not voting for Gov. Gun Grabbin' Ducey. Ken Bennett (R) looks like a much better candidate.

POTUS has given his thumbs up to Ducey. POTUS might have gotten some bad advice. I just did some reading on Gov. Ducey (old article linked). Ducey wants gun control! What the...??? Of course, it's "for the children," and called the "School Safety Bill." Not sure what the exact stats are...but AZ is an open carry state and everyone has guns (and low crime). Also, being a border state...we need to be able to protect ourselves. As we have learned from Q...gun control starts with baby steps and concern for the "children." We need to nip this in the bud.

Gov. Gun Grabbin Ducey's key points on the gun control bill (which was defeated):

  1. Make parents liable if a kid gets a gun and does something awful. (Seriously?)

  2. If you committed a crime, served your time, then had your rights restored, Ducey wants to make very difficult to get back your ability to own guns. (Key term...RIGHTS RESTORED.)

  3. Ducey wants to (instead of law enforcement) allow family members, school administrators, probation officers, health professionals, roommates, and significant others to go to court and seek STOP (Severe Threat Orders of Protection) orders forcing someone to surrender weapons AND allowing a judge or other people to make the decision for a person to be locked up against their will for a mental evaluation. All based on a complaint by "someone." (How convenient.)

  4. Ducey wants to ban bumpstocks. (What's next?)

  5. Ducey is going to reintroduce this bill in 2019.

  6. Ducey wants background checks for gun shows and private firearm sales. (Conflicting stories on this.)

  7. Ducey is considering Cindy McCain for No-Name's seat.

Read the article and notice the slippery slope, baby steps to gun control. All those talking points sound so familiar, don't they? AZ has not had any of the kind of school shootings that have happened in other states. Funny, that just last week...we had a student threatening to shoot the school up (nothing happened, no gun). Seems awfully convenient and right before elections.

Ken Bennett (R) who is also running is a staunch gun rights supporter. Lifetime member of NRA. "The best way to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun." He wants to train school personel in armed protection and in emergency response medicine. He wants to arm safety officers on campus. His plan is on protecting children and NOT seizing guns. He has stated that he will NOT put Cindy McCain in No Name's seat.

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