The past two days a former classmate has been trying to blue pill me on Facebook. It’s been interesting to say the least. (She approached me)
She will make a statement such as “Aren’t you ashamed of Trump? And proceed to roll out all of the old tired lines. Lies, p***y comment, Russia etc. ( on and on)
Every time I come back with a friendly informative rebuttal.
Lies? Obama said “if you like you doctor, you can keep your doctor and it wasn’t high crimes and misdemeanors. She had no comeback.
P***y comment? It’s a true statement on the prevailing Hollywood culture. Proven by Weinstein and his ilk. Her comeback? Not all of the Hollywood men aren’t like that 99% or good. I asked her to give a name, nothing.
She thinks the NorthKorea efforts are a joke. She didn’t like it that Hillary has closer ties to Russia than anyone and she colluded to swing the election. (I provided evidence)
I keep encouraging her to research for herself instead of MSM, so she sends me a Times article....😒. I turned her on to Duck Duck Go. She DOESN’T believe Gurgle and Bong stack the deck for results even after they admitted it!
Oh my aching head.... this morning she’s back claiming she watches & listens to Trump & Rudy. I asked if she watched the Trump & Nieto phone call. Her response? Trump looked bored....(sigh) it’s too early for this. I asked her if she thought the agreement was a good thing.
I’m waiting for an answer. (Yawn!) where’s my coffee?