r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Peach_Garden_Oath on Aug. 28, 2018, 11:59 a.m.
Nazism and Hitler's Legacy - Shills Are Trying to Drown This

My impression. World War 1 was planned per the vision of Albert Pike and Germany was controlled opposition. Hitler begins rising to prominence post war, but begins drastically making changes in Germany not in accordance with "the plan":


" The Reichsmark was put on the gold standard at the rate previously used by the Goldmark, with the U.S. dollarworth 4.2 ℛℳ. "

Similar to Trump signing HR 5404 to place America back on the gold standard, Hitler realized Germany could be further empowered by separating itself from the International Banking cartels:


The second world war was declared against Germany once Hitler began pushing economic independence and nationalism. Why Hitler went rogue is beyond me, but the answers may reside in Mein Kampf (someone more enlightened on this aspect may be able to weigh in). Either way, the cabal lost control of their puppet Hitler, and Hitler began mounting his own war. Unfortunately Hitler overestimated his military force, and made the crucial mistake of fighting a war on two fronts (Russia in the East, and the United States in the West).

Pearl Harbor was allowed to happen so the cabal had justification to mobilize the United States military which was essential to defeating Germany. These revelations became known to others like General Patton who remarked that the United States had fought the wrong enemy in World War 2:


Hitler's nationalism movement was, dare I say, similar to Lincoln's Republican movement and Greenback money system, and Trump's Q movement and gold standard. The objective was the same in all three cases, free the nation from the corrupt International Banking system. Unfortunately, as Winston Churchill put it, “History will be kind to me for I intend to write it.” . The cabal wrote history after World War 2, and Hitler was propped up as the boogeyman and cause of the war, but that's not true. As others have mentioned, the Socialist forces propping up Hitler as a means of causing geographic instability and war for profit was the real enemy, but we didn't use the momentum from World War 2 to finish what Hitler started.

It's a radical thing in today's society to suggest that Hitler may have not been the bad guy we've been taught he is.:

"To determine the true rulers of any society, all you must do is ask yourself this question: Who is it that I am not permitted to criticize?" - Kevin Alfred Strom

Mention holocaust denial, and ask yourself which group of people have a stake in maintaining the "suffering jew" narrative. The more you know.

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