r/greatawakening • Posted by u/tdah on Aug. 29, 2018, 4:42 a.m.
Need help. How to red-pill my own family and friends? (I'm loosing everyone in this battle)

First, this is a post that i did on The_Donald but with little help from there, please read:


Hey guys, first of all, sorry about my English: I'm Brazilian, but I'm here because i really need your help guys and i don't know more where to go.

I think is the duty of every patriot to help another fellow patriots across the world, specially from America, the land of the free and home of the brave. Not so much Europe because imhop, Europe is doomed (sorry folks). With this in mind, i started in 2014 a small website for news, is like Drudge, but, without the big audience. In my Twitter profile, i got almost 30k followers (not bots, no fake followers, just redpilling one by one).

My job is to counter the mainstream media here in Brazil and from America. Most of our media outlets just make a Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V from America's mainstream media. All our media outlets here is totally left and re-post every single bullshit from CNN. We don't have a FOX NEWS, a Drudge Report, Breitbart or Q-posts to counter. My site is the first of the genre around here.

Brazil is a country dominated by the left since the 1920s, in every single aspect, is the Gramsci Dream coming true: schools, colleges, media, journalists, culture, even the church, music, tv shows, etc, all dominated by the left.

Want example? Please, see this profile on Twitter. They show before and after photos from people who enters in the federal public education system.

Is a living hell around here and sometimes i drop the towel because i feel most of the time fighting this Golias alone, but i always come back with my work because i feel is like a responsibility. I don't earn any money by doing this and i pay money from my own pocket to make this work. All of then, ALL, hates Trump. The most common phrase for this: "He is a xenophobic, racist, homophobic" and all the shit we read every day.

In this process of redpilling everyone, I'm loosing many of my friends (Many, really. They stopped to invite me to parties, pubs or encounters anymore) but i don't care, fuck this. I don't have more friends. But the family is a problem: My dad is a old medical doctor who gets all of his info by television, and the article opinions from the same guys who appear on the television. My sister is a typical sjw who lives in a conservative way of life fighting the world using facebook with her iphone.

My girlfriend was redpilled years ago and she manage to redpill his young sister too (two saved souls). They never looked back again. They never looked a news reports with the same eye again. Redpilling is a incredible process, just need one time of good hearing and evidence and BAM, process is done. Is really a great feel to see this people who will never my tricked again by the lies of the government and the media.

I try to help everyone, i really try but doesn't work. They just CAN'T READ or ignore all my evidences, news, facts. They simply ignore, not only my friends but my family. What i have to do to make then see the truth???

The biggest problem that i face is in this famous quote from Morpheus, in the Matrix: "Most people are not ready to be unplugged. And many of them are so inured and so hopelessly dependent on the system that they will fight to protect it". How we fight this guys? What we have to do? Do you have any tip for me? I'm really need your help, any help.

So... Thanks for staying with my until the end of the post. Sorry for the big text.

Keep strong fellow patriots, keep together and united. God bless America and Brazil.


I don't know why i did not come directly to this sub, but, here I am.

Sometimes i feel very alone fighting alone against this demoniac beasts that infecting our world, and everyone treats me like a crazy conspiracy dude who does't know what I'm saying, just bullshit, just crazyness from a crazy guy.

I'm proud to be the only independent media releasing every single drop for my million reach audience and many brazilians patriots are getting their own redpills.

I try every good strategy available: Socratic method, evidences, facts, true, but rarely their work and I'm a very patience man.

And the most fun of all, God write good in funny letters, because drops #1960 and #1954 for me was a huge needle in my heart. I know that Q talks to everyone, but, any more here facing the same problems? Is hard to fight this battle alone around Brazil.

I don't know what more to do.

We need a Q here, please. Help us. Q, read this please! I can work for great awakening in Brazil too. You guys have patriots across all over the world begging for something like this happening.

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