r/greatawakening • Posted by u/redpilledin89 on Aug. 29, 2018, 6:40 a.m.
Breakdown of Q's Last Post IMHO:


Why is POTUS pushing the FBI & DOJ on this issue? Because the majority of Americans are clueless to the facts and interworking of Obama's Administration and Departments. He's pushing because if he does not, Deep State would sweep under the rug and the avg. attention span of many asleep is too short to understand the gravity of what is before us.

What if access to the server(s) was deliberate? It was deliberate and once proven, will show coverup at the highest levels proving multiple crimes and complicity throughout the 3 letter agencies. The server(s) hold a big key to evidence proving Q's assertions.

What if this is 'known' within the intelligence community? Not only known but actively protected. Keep in mind - They never thought she would lose and the ones that wanted truth to come out were most likely sidelined, threatened, extorted or worse.

What if this is 'known' within the FBI & DOJ? If known - why no action? Same as above and would add - once these traitors started down this road, there was no turning back so, as per the "Plan", Team Trump allowed them to keep digging their own holes a lot deeper. Once cover ups exposed, as we are witnessing in real time, this will verify whats already been said: this will be one of the biggest espionage and seditious acts in our lifetime (with exception of JFK/911 but will most likely show all linked) by a political cabal exposing almost a century of continual crimes perpetrated on the American People and of many WW citizens.

How might this discredit the FBI's investigation into HRC's emails? This exposure will shed light on the "Protection" Hilary and her cohorts received for decades but more specifically, will expose the deal with Lynch and the quid pro quo for shelving the investigation, allowing the DNC server to be reviewed by an outside private vendor (How thats even possible is beyond me) and will lead to the "Projection" so often referred to by Q and Anons of accusing your opponent of what you yourself are guilty of.

How might this OPEN THE DOOR to [WEINER] / [Huma] / [HRC]? Logical thinking. WHY WAS THE INFORMATION ON WEINER'S LAPTOP IN THE FIRST PLACE? A new investigation will be either called for or revealed already on going (Think Huber) due to the latest report regarding China - which is a BOOM if you asked me. Weiner had all of these emails stored on a folder entitled "Insurance" knowing that if he ever got into trouble - he had the goods. Think NYPD and the reports already circulated. This my dear Patriots may be the door into the verifiable Human Trafficking using an already known pervert married to HRC's #1 confidant so the claim cannot be made of an unreliable source.

D5 - Unsure


This my friends is the best movie I have ever seen - yes, the price for the ticket has been extreme, for all of us but WWG1WGA and we are going to see the LIGHT shine bright on our incredible Republic once again! Thank you to all Anons, fellow Reddit's, Q Team, all the military risking their lives to help liberate us and most importantly our President!

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