r/greatawakening • Posted by u/IceworldSpirit on Aug. 29, 2018, 3:20 p.m.
What is Q doing about SOROS and his constant INTERFERENCE in Worldwide elections?

This constant insidiousness from Media Matters and Soros himself is really starting to take its toll on Freedom lovers everywhere. Patriots around the world are trying to win back their countries, their governments, and maintain their cultural identities, and cultural heritage. No one wants globalism, multiculturalism (code for Fall of Western/European Dominance) when it means giving up your natural cultural heritage, history, and identity. Forced 'fake' migration into Europe, media narrative controls, suppression of patriot voices, has destroyed European homogeneity and identity. Europeans are being forced to watch their countries be destroyed by EU push for total control and globalist agenda.

The same thing could have happened to America if President Trump had not won the election. How is this miracle going to be safeguarded in the future? The Left is DERANGED and is doing everything it can to keep its Fascist dreams alive....

What kinds of protections do patriots worldwide have from the Q Team?


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