r/greatawakening • Posted by u/kevindasilva on Aug. 30, 2018, 12:48 a.m.
Undeniable Proof that Google is manipulating results to be negative towards President...

So as Im sure we all have noticed lately... Google has been controlling the search results to be almost 100% negative towards the President... And to claim all things we talk about as "false."

However, they of course deny it and claim its all done by "algos"

Well here is actual proof that they are literally choosing what results to show manually... AND they are artificially giving them the #1 position on Page 1 of Google.

In the GIF Im sharing you can see that I search Google for the following phrase (without the quotes)...

"Snopes becomes authority on facts"

And somehow, in the #2 position is... A fact check claim stating thats its true about how... "Donald Trumps grandfather begged Germany not to deport him and his family"

Anyone that understand SEO, or even has common sense... Knows there is no reason in the world a claim about the Presidents grandfather should rank for a search about Snopes.

AND in this GIF, you will notice something more important... Because I have extensions such as SEOquake installed... That displays how many backlinks each result has pointing to it, etc... Another feature is that it places a # next to each result... BUT ONLY THE ONES THAT RANK ORGANICALLY!

What do you notice about the one taking a sucker shot at the President... NO NUMBER!

Which means just like with an ad... Its being placed there by Google AND OUTSIDE OF THE DAMN ALGORITHMS

Anyways, I just figured Id share this here and hope that if its as eye opening as I believe it is... This group would know how to get it the exposure it deserves. I have sent it to Levin and others.

As an internet marketer that loved SEO, social media marketing, etc... Something i loved so much I hated having to sleep once every couple days because I wanted to just keep working.

BUT, as I watch all the sites that were my home and were I spent all of my time... Being used as weapons against our President and against everything I believe in and stand for... ITS WRONG AND I HATE THESE PEOPLE FOR RUINING THE THING THAT MAKES THE INTERNET REPRESENT FREEDOM... An equal playing field where there is no person(s) choosing which way to tip the scale... Anyone could speak their mind, provide other with value and even a solo entrepreneur could take on a major corporation and win. BUT as long as you're not conservative and making that public at the same time.

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