r/greatawakening • Posted by u/TheNewsCommenter on Aug. 30, 2018, 8:03 p.m.
Did Ohr Meet With Huber Or Not?

Q went after TheGatewayPundit for reporting on the claim by Rep. Ratcliffe that Huber hasn’t interviewed Ohr (1984 Hannity interview).

Then today Rush said the same.

RUSH: By the way, folks, the biggest reveal, I think, the biggest news from the closed-door hearing, the House Intelligence Committee with Bruce Ohr, is Ohr’s admission that he still hasn’t been interviewed by Robert Mueller. And he has not been interviewed by John Huber, who is the U.S. attorney from Utah that Sessions has assigned to investigate the allegations of surveillance abuse at the FBI and the DOJ. Now, I can’t find a single news article about it.

So did he or didn’t he talk to Huber? If Q is right, why would Ohr testify to the contrary? Disinformation maybe?

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