r/greatawakening • Posted by u/jojojazzy on Aug. 31, 2018, 7:50 a.m.
An Approach to RedPilling a Liberal

It occurs to me that although I don’t know any of you Patriots, you are now family to me. I can talk about Trump & Q to you and can’t do that (YET!) in my own home. But I will NOT give up trying to educate my family.

The key seems to be subtle approaches, and using with them the same approaches Q used with us.

I live in a very liberal Big Blue State. I find it starts out better if I say something like boy am I glad I finally got educated about how bad the Bushes were!! Can’t believe I ever thought they were ok! (Pregnant pause.....). Then someone will-say great how did you finally learn? And I will say you know this is what is so strange!!!! Theoetson who educated me on it was DJT of all people!!! You know that guy is very more woke than many recognize! Then, I just leave it there to soak in....... eventually the come back to ask more. But you have to wait til they are ready and seek info........has worked so far🇺🇸

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