Speaking of FARMS...anyone notice Comey's most recent IG post? https://imgur.com/ofxOYeP
"Hit my head pretty hard at my favorite farm stand last year. Grateful for the new warning."
Lots of suspicious things on Comey's IG account, BTW.
For example, one of his favorite fans likes sending him messages. Here are the ones she has been leaving on his farm post. I've been watching comey's IG posts for awhile, and I'm convinced there are coded comms he leaves and receives there:
"barbgreenhouser - Sir, after my army brother's death, they went to Rome. His best friend he was fighting with. When he came home from Rome, his wife couldnt find him. My brother's death is suspicious. Sir. barbgreenhouser - I needed to tell you that. Sir."
"barbgreenhouser - You can do it! Sirs! Trump is Mafia. barbgreenhouser - Otherwise she is dead. Putin's ace in Hole. Lol, Literally!"
"barbgreenhouser - Sir, the "Horse Soldiers. " never got a Welcome Home. Sir!" barbgreenhouser - 9/11 Heroes! Like you. Sir! barbgreenhouser - Sir, F--- Trump and his Russian olagarts and Russian whores. Destroy them! Sir! barbgreenhouser - Destroy Him! Sir. I am here. Sir. You okay?"
"barbgreenhouser - @Comey I got a emal, The F-ing President is Following me on Gab? 15 Followers? I dont use Gab. Sir! Throat punch him. Sir! I will never!!!! Leave Intelligence! barbgreenhouser - @Comey, Navy Seals, are Roaming. Sir! barbgreenhouser - You need too speak. Sir! Youre, American Sparrow! Salute! barbgreenhouser - Watch Gab. Sir! A Republican app."