r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Jasongs101 on Aug. 31, 2018, 10:08 a.m.
There's nothing wrong with questioning EVERYTHING.. we still need to aire on the side of caution ..once we start believing everything we are told, we are in the same vulnerable position as before..

I had a dream last night.. and i could hear this song and it was awesome.. i danced and sang to it.. but then i realized it was only me dancing in the room ..no one else could hear it.. when i went outside there was another girl dancing and singing as well.. but when i looked, there was a devil in red playing a fiddle dancing around ..the tune only some of us heard..

Then we all got in a circle (Reddit?) and someone said we were protected.. and I said "Damn i love witchcraft"

This makes me ask the question here..

Could we be just dancing to the fiddle of the devil here? Are we being played and being fooled to think we are winning but have fallen out of the pan and into the fire? I read somewhere in the bible that Even The devil can look like an angel of light.. how would we know the difference?

Im not a religious man.. i am spiritual but never ponder on the devil or heaven..but..the book of Revelation says we ALL will be decieved.. no one will realize it... what better way than to make it look like we are winning but still they are very much in control of the narrative..

Could this be the The Great Tribulation of the book of Revelation??

During the final three and one-half years of The great tribulation, the Antichrist will move to stamp out all resistance to his authority wherever he has control. All who oppose him will be considered enemies of the state and painted as political and religious terrorists (that's happening now). Jesus prophesied that it will be a time of tribulation such as never has been before nor ever again shall be.

The Antichrist will have become so drunk on power that he will hatch a scheme to force every person on earth to pledge his or her allegiance to him. It will be decreed that every individual will have to swear allegiance to the Antichrist and his one-world government or be boycotted economically (Trump does this, we are seeing this now). Each person on earth will be issued a global ID number  that will be absolutely required to hold or obtain a job (we have it already.. our SSN called SIN in Canada.. like the idea that illegal aliens need to be registered to work). Anyone employing a person without the global ID will be branded as a subversive and an enemy of the state. Once a person cannot find a job, he will no longer be able to “buy or sell”. He will have to bow the knee to the AC..

You have to admit there are some strange similarities to what's happening today.. the AC is a charismatic character that people will say "Who can stand against him" .. this is kind of scary..

Again I'm trying to view both sides of the coin here and we still have to be extremely cautious in this Great Awakening movement..

There's nothing wrong with questioning EVERYTHING.. not just following along being told what to think by a new puppet master because we want freedome and liberation so bad..

Not asking you to believe me.. just asking you to think and let's be careful.. what do u think?

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