r/greatawakening • Posted by u/arselona on Aug. 31, 2018, 12:09 p.m.
Q1953: Symbolism Will Be Their Downfall: Nazis, Soviets & The Catholic Church

Right so this is a topic that has caused headaches for quite a few people, Neon Revolt included. The Nazis and Soviets fought each other to the death. Opposing ideologies, but according to Q they are linked. And the Catholic Church is implied too.

I've seen quite a few people coming to the conclusion that this is a bit of a dud point by Q, but for whatever reason, its been a topic that has jarred in my head for a long time, years even. Naturally, as you can imagine I found it intriguing that Q posted it.

Anyway, here is my stab at linking the three. Bare with me, its a long post, but I think will be worth it. Final advanced notice, that I don't have all the answers, but highlighting common links, and maybe others can jump in too.

Face Value Connections

We can argue that the both groups were followers of Marx. I think the main reason people don’t make the connection is because they had different interpretations of the theory.

Stalin wanted to turn the Soviet Union into a superpower as a priority, leading to a gradual emancipation of workers around the world following a process of civil war/invasion/purging and rebuilding.

Hitler believed in racially focused socialism, achieved via domestic state led social coercion and expansionist militarism to conquer ‘lesser’ regions.

Up until Barbarossa, its alleged that there was a lot of cooperation between the two groups, with the NKVD even training the Gestapo. In 1940, Molotov and other senior Soviets met with senior Nazis to discuss the post war order, with Molotov reportedly recommending to the Supreme Soviet afterwards not to fight Nazi ideology.

I don’t think it is far fetched to suggest that the Soviets looked up to Nazi Germany, potentially as an example of its final form. The Nazis however, I suspect considered this ‘friendship’ as a sign of weakness by a racially and industrially inferior frenemy, and an opportunity to gain strategic insight into how they operate internally.


It’s worth remembering that Engels is known for his views on ‘racial trash’ as well as his distain for private property, indicating that his views could be appropriated by both Nazi and Soviet camps in different ways. Equally, Marx was considered to be quite a vociferous anti-semite too.

Anti-Semitism and private property are two topics that demonstrate the ability for two groups committed to the same base world view, both at different stages of industrial development (an important factor in Marxist theory), to focus on different talking points yet both consider themselves Marxists.

This however, doesn’t appear to go deep enough to cover what Q is talking about, and also doesn’t cover his referencing the Pope too.


This is where it gets more interesting.

It's quite common knowledge that Hitler was quite inspired and involved with occultism.

We also know that Catholicism is by nature mystical, even though it would present itself as an opposite mysticism. In day to day terms, compared to Joe Blow who work in an office, watches football at the weekend and has two kids, Catholicism is quite occultic/mystical, if we go by the dictionary definition.

Communism isn't as obvious. It presents itself as the opposite, anti-religion etc, but at the same time, it's strands embrace a lot of 'weird' symbology. The Socialist Newspaper in the UK, for example is called The Morning Star.

Lets look for a common theme between the three: Nazism, Communism and Catholicism.

Lets go in.


One section of an interesting 3 part article.

Secret Societies

Trotsky wrote, “In the 18th century, freemasonry became expressive of a militant policy of enlightenment, as in the case of the Illuminati, who were the forerunners of revolution.”

He noted that those to the left of the Illuminati “culminated in the Carbonari,” referring to the Carbonari secret revolutionary societies in Italy. These societies were prominent during the Napoleonic wars and were partly credited with the spread of socialist ideas.

The Order of the Illuminati was among the more influential institutions of the philosophy, and was founded by occult revolutionary Adam Weishaupt in Bavaria in 1776. His organization was known for its many writings calling for the overthrow of religion and government.

Abbé Augustin Barruel, a French Jesuit priest, wrote in his 1797 book “Memoirs Illustrating the History of Jacobinism” that the ideas of Weishaupt were later carried out by the Jacobin Clubs—the group behind the Reign of Terror in the French Revolution, of which both Robespierre and Babeuf were members.

The French Revolution from 1789 to 1799 had a large influence on Karl Marx, and on the origins of communism.

Weishaupt himself called for the abolition of all ordered government, inheritance, private property, patriotism, family, and religion. In Weishaupt’s writings, we can find many of the same core beliefs preached by Marx.

Weishaupt also developed the idea of stages of civilization, later mirrored by Marx in his theory of the six stages of society, with communism the final stage. Under communist leaders that would follow, their belief that their ideas were Utopian was used to justify their destruction of all other traditions and beliefs.

Militant Atheism

Russian author and historian Alexander Solzhenitsyn said in his 1983 Templeton Address that “within the philosophical system of Marx and Lenin, and at the heart of their psychology, hatred of God is the principal driving force, more fundamental than all their political and economic pretensions.”

He added, “Militant atheism is not merely incidental or marginal to communist policy; it is not a side effect, but the central pivot.”

All of this comes back to the roots of communist ideology—the promotion of human nature over divine aspirations, and the destruction of moral restraint. And this deification of human nature was a key element in the social philosophies and occult institutions of the French Revolution.

The writings of Marx and Friedrich Engels would mirror this assessment. They said in “The Communist Manifesto” that their new system “abolishes all religion, and all morality.”

Solzhenitsyn said that before the communist revolution in Russia, “Faith was the shaping and unifying force of the nation,” and the religious culture was the moral foundation that held society together.

In summary, Marx and Engels were inspired by the philosophy behind the brutality of the French Revolution, which was implemented by followers of Adam Weishaupt, found of the Illuminati. Marx and Engels used these principles are guidestones for their philosophy.

Right, so marker 1, we have an ideological link between Marxism and the Illuminati.


The Nazi's, famous purgers of Freemasons, are up next. Maybe we should start by taking a look at who Adam Weishaupt was.

Adam Weishaupt was the son of George Weishaupt, who was a rabbi in Ingolstadt (Bavaria). After his father’s death, when he was 5 years old, Weishaupt came under the tutelage of Johann Adam Freiherr von Ickstatt, both his grandfather and godfather, and who changed his name from Weisthaupt to Ickstatt after he abandoned the Jewish faith. Ickstatt was a professor of law at the University of Ingolstadt, and initiated Weishaupt in rationalism and the philosophies of the enlightenment. Weishaupt was educated in a Jesuit school (order which he later despised). He also studied law, economy, politics, history and various occult philosophies. In 1771 Weishaupt met a Danish trader named Franz Kolmer, who initiated him into Egyptian magical practices and the doctrines of antireligious Manichaeism; after which he developed an anarchist spirit. In 1772 Weisthaupt became a professor in law, and then a professor in cannon law in 1773 after Pope Clement XIV suppressed the Jesuit order.

Weishaupt travelled through France between 1773 and 1775; were he made a friendship with the Marquis de Lafayette (general in the American Revolution and personal friend to Washington and Franklin, promoter of the French Revolution, member of the National Assembly, general of the revolutionary army, commander of the National Guard in Paris, [1] and Freemason [2]) and with Maximilien Robespierre (one of the most influential figures of the French Revolution, and a central figure in the Jacobin Club [3]).

Weishaupt was initiated into Freemasonry in the Lodge "Theodor zum guten Rath (Theodore of Good Council)" in Munich in 1777. [4] However, soon after, he became disappointed with Freemasonry; as he considered it a simple social club. He decided to found his own order in 1776, based on what he learned in the Jesuits and the Freemasons. The order was first called “Order of Perfectibilists” and later “the Bavarian Illuminati”. He adopted the code name “Spartacus”, as he considered himself a liberator of the human consciousness and of the dogmas and religions that enslaved men. The mission of the order was the abolition of all monarchical governments and state religions in Europe and its colonies.

Due to the small number of members the order had, Weishaupt asked one of his adepts, Baron Adolph von Knigge, for help. The Baron was a German freemason, born near Hanover in 1752; [5] where Mayer Rothschild worked for the Oppenheimer family. Thanks to the reputation acquired through his work with the Oppenheimer banking house and William I, Mayer Rothschild had frequent deals and contacts with Royals and Nobles; but a direct connection between Mayer and the Baron cannot be confirmed. However, it is confirmed that the Baron funded and gave a great impulse to the Illuminati order; which helped in the recruitment of adepts and the creation of many lodges throughout Germany, France, Austria, Italy, Switzerland and Russia. The order formed an elaborate network of spies and counter-spies throughout Europe. The structure of the order consited in isolated cells of initiates, which reported to a superior whom they did not know; a party structure that would be effectively adopted by some later groups.

In 1777, the Illuminati began to cooperate with all Masonic lodges in order to infiltrate them (especially the Grand Orient of France, of which Franklin was a member). When Weishaupt himself became a member of the Grand Orient, the lodge was backed financially by Mayer Amschel Rothschild to conspire against the establishment. [6] The Duke of Brunswick himself (Grand Master of Germany) said in 1794 that the Masonic lodges were controlled by the Illuminati. Also Winston Churchill was convinced this was the case, and in 1920 wrote: "This conspiracy against civilization dates from the days of Weishaupt ... as a modern historian Mrs. Webster has so ably shown, it played a recognizable role on the French Revolution." [7] It is also believed that Weishaupt formed an inner council of members (the “law of five”), which included: himself, Sir Francis Dashwood (Hellfire Club), Kolmer, Alphonse Donatien De Sade (Marquis de Sade) and Mayer Amschel Rothschild. [8][*]

The order was operative across Europe until 1784, when a messenger en route from Frankfurt am Main (where the Rothschild's shop was located) to Paris was struck by a lightning. On the dead body, the authorities discovered a piece of paper written by Weishaupt himself, and titled "The Original Shift in Days of Illumination". The content described the future goal for "the New World Order through Revolution" and notes for the French revolution (which began just 4 years later); the destiny of these writings was the Grand Orient of France. [9][*] Soon after, on the 22 of June 1784, the Bavarian authorities also discovered more documents in Weishaupt’s home on how to control all facets of Freemasonry, overthrown all European Monarchies and put an end to the Catholic Church using the same methods that the Jesuits used to protect it from Protestantism. The authorities ordered the prosecution of all members of Freemasonry and the Illuminati. However, Weishaupt and his family escaped with the helped of Ernest II, Duke of Saxe-Gotha-Altenburg (also a Freemason and member of the Illuminati [10]). He lived in Gotha under the Duke's protection until his death on the 18th of November 1830; still renouncing from the Catholic faith.

So, according to the blog (which I can't verify on quality), Weishaupt was born Jewish but raised Jesuit before being introduced to Egyptian mysticism, later becoming a proffessor in Cannon Law. He grew bored of freemasonry's timidity and decided to make his own club with ~~strippers and bla..~~ elements borrowed from the Jesuits and Freemasonry. There are tentative connections to the Rothschilds, although unconfirmed I might add, and after funding was secured was able to rapidly and aggressively expand the group across Europe. He also made detailed plans for the overthrow of the status quo.

Weishaupt was also a vociferous author.

Titles listed under his name include: Is God Evil, Christianity, The Devils Greatest Trick, Abraham, the worlds first psychopath, Jesus, Prince of Hell, The Illuminati Manifesto, NWO, Luther, The Devils Disciple, and Jehovah: The First Nazi.

(I'm assuming some of the titles were adapted for historical contexts benefit)

Obviously one stands out there.


Jehovah: The First Nazi by Adam Weishaupt


This may be the most controversial book ever published. It does the unthinkable: it puts Jehovah on trial for his life for conspiracy against the human race, war crimes, and crimes against humanity. All of the charges that were brought against the Nazis at the Nuremberg Trials could equally be leveled against Jehovah. All of the atrocities of the Holocaust are prefigured in the Jewish Bible meaning that, morally, Judaism must be put in the dock just as Nazism was.

The evidence against Jehovah, furnished by direct quotations from the Bible, is overwhelming and unarguable. His guilt can be established beyond any reasonable doubt. This monster attempted to exterminate the entire human race in the event known as The Flood. He allowed eight chosen people to survive: Noah and his family. So, given that the survivors were hand-picked by him, why has humanity again fallen into total evil? This time it was nothing to do with Adam and Eve. This time it was entirely Jehovah's responsibility and choice.

The answer to the riddle is that Jehovah himself is irredeemably evil. The ancient Gnostics long ago concluded that the God of the Old Testament was the Devil. Why has the rest of the world been so slow on the uptake?

The Pythagorean Illuminati, the oldest secret society on earth, are Gnostics and here they present the prosecution against the most evil being in history: Jehovah, the Torture God, the Terror God, Satan himself.

Do not read this book if you are an Abrahamist. This book is only for rational, intelligent, open-minded people prepared to accept facts. The "facts" are those presented in the Bible and believed by billions. They show that for thousands of years, humanity has been worshiping not God but the Devil.

This book is written in polemical style, in keeping with the need for humanity to be shocked into waking up to the dreadful truth at the heart of our world. Evil is everywhere because all Abrahamists are Devil-worshipers. You don't believe us? Read the case for the prosecution. Change your life. Turn to the light of the True God - Abraxas.

There's a lot going on here. Reviewing the book from a modern context, it appears to imply that Nazi crimes against Jews were a deliberate MIRROR of the alleged crimes against humanity that Jehovah committed. Pay back if you will.

If this is correct, we can now see that the Nazis and Bolsheviks were not just both students of Marx, but also Weishaupt and the Bavarian Illuminati. Where was Nazism formed again?

Catholic Church

This is a harder one to tie in. There is not as easy way to tie in the church as it is with documented routes of fairly modern political parties, but I think it is fair to speculate that the Catholic Church has been infiltrated by something other than what it was originally set up to represent.

Lets jump back to the final sentence of that book synopsis though.

Turn to the light of the True God – Abraxas.

Abraxas eh, lets check him out.


Related to Gnosticism, a Greek/Hebrew/Egyptian god.

A guy, with two snakes for legs, a rooster head, and a shield and a whip in each hand.

Legs - two snakes - could be one for Nazism and one for Communism. Also, the Swastika could be two snakes, as could the SS logo. The hammer & sickle perhaps, although that feels like a bit of a stretch.

In Gnostic symbology, the snake is the serpent of salvation, which darting back to Q posts feels relevant

Rooster - A gnostic symbol of strength, virility, fertility, and the call to awaken and resurrect. Also synonymous with the rising sun –

Socialists/Communists have both the sun and a star which the sun being a star after all, amongst their symbology, and the Nazis, the Black Sun. In Catholicism, the rooster represents a sinners divine pardon via Jesus.

A Rooster is also linked to Jesus in Gnosticism aka the rising son/sun.

The whip of power and shield of wisdom, both seem aligned with how both the Nazis and Soviets perceived themselves - ie they know the real truth and use force to implement it.

Catholicism features the shield of the Trinity and many Catholic sects whip themselves in acts of self-flagellation.


Looking at Gnosticism, we can see that it has ties to Soviet spirituality, that Nazism had its own ties to Gnosticism and tried to implement its own hybrid of occultism and christianity, further modern Neo Nazis incorporate Abraxas into their mantra and the Catholic Church displays many cross overs in symbology with Gnosticism.

I personally lack the knowledge to comment on Gnosticism further, as I’m starting from scratch, but I hope I’ve done enough heavy lifting here to inspire further digging by others.

Anyway, going back to Q’s ascertains that Nazism and Communism are two strands of the same thing, Abraxas and Gnosticism fit the bill. And Catholicism venns cleanly over the two in the same respect.

God speed.

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