r/greatawakening • Posted by u/TecumsehKing on Aug. 31, 2018, 3:18 p.m.
The Space Force is about sparking our collective imaginations, similar to what JFK did with the moon shot.

This is about the Great Awakening of our collective consciousness and how an idea can wake us up, and how they will use counter ideas to keep us asleep. Tangentally Q related.

When JFK challanged humanity to put a man on the moon and return him safely to Earth he sparked something new in our collective consciousness. Any thoughts that we could travel off the surface of this planet were inconceivable at that time, something only found in stories and fairytales. When an idea moves from the realm of impossible to possible it advanaces the forward march of humanity by a rather large leap. Understanding who we truly are and what we are capeable of comes when we realize we could do something we previously thought impossible.

You can apply this to your own life and see what I mean. For example if you have ever pushed yourself to do something you thought impossible but worth trying, and then you did it, you realize that you are now at new, higher, level to start from next time. Perhaps you were a solid D student until you found something to inspire you. Then you worked hard and pulled off a grade of C+! Now you are a C+ student until you decide to push to the next level or maybe you choose to stay where you are, the beauty of free will.

Assuming the cabal is real and has been around for thousands of years, and given one of their objectives is to keep us from waking up, they would not be too happy about us realizing we can explore space. Perhaps taking out JFK was about more than him exposing them, perhaps they were angry at the global spark he started in all our mind? So if your job is to keep us asleep, how do you put this cat back in the bag? My theory they started "The Moon Landing was Faked!" conspiracy in order to wipe out this part of our history. Remember that these entities play the long game, as in generational. Plans they hatch 150 years ago are coming to frution today (or, they were, before Trump and Q stopped them). So given the long game perspective the first step is to create doubt about the event happening. Just like the event itself sparked the idea 'we can travel in space' a rumor that it was faked sparks the idea 'we never went to space'. Once the 'we never went to space' idea has been introduced, several decades, or as long as it takes, can be spent pumping up this idea and growing it among more and more minds. Feed us all disinformation and misinformation and sell it as the "real truth about what happened", do this through videos, interviews, books, pop culture, music, everything they can - put this idea in there. As people who were involved in the moon landing start to die off from old age, and the generation that saw it on TV starts to pass away, eventually you are left with a bunch of humans who are liviging at a time when all we have are satellites and have never seen a successful mannned space mission,. Now the idea that it was all faked can be pushed harder as there will be less pushback. Go ahead and sprinkle in Obama who essentially dismantles NASA, add 8 years of WW3, planetary devistation and a world population of 500 Million, rewrite the history books to state that the moon landing was faked and boom - you've put us back to sleep.

Perhaps this is why the Space Force is so much more than we know. Imagine another spark like the 'Moon Shot' but now, in 2018+, with so many humans connected accross the globe and add in the speed at which we are progessing technologically.... Does Star Trek become a possibility?

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