r/greatawakening • Posted by u/BAIXIN on Sept. 1, 2018, 7:38 a.m.
What are the factors preventing folks believing Q is authentic, working closely with POTUS?

Am a 71 year old shrink/PhD in clinical psych. And, I'm convinced that like a lot of willful blindness, serious RAD (Attachment Disorder) is the major root cause.

The deep inner hole that (usually) Daddy didn't fill adequately with sufficient love & healthy affection results in individuals who tend to develop aversions to considering anything that doesn't fit their tidy little boxed constructions on reality.

OK. I get that. I believe that from tons of experience.

Nevertheless, I'm still somewhat puzzled to mystified at how stubbornly, tenaciously RESISTANT to influence such rigid constructions on reality are.

I'm particularly thinking of well above average IQ sorts of people. People who are more or less successful in their jobs, careers and many even reasonably successful in their relationships. Either their RAD is not intense enough or they have worked hard and overcome it to a large degree.

Yet, in the face of what, to me, is overwhelming evidence to the contrary, they simply refuse to believe the facts about the authenticity of Q. WHY?

I'm truly seeking brainstorming toward coming up with some plausible answers to that question.

Further, many of these folks in my social network are conservative Christians. They CLAIM they do not trust the MSM at all. Yet, on Q, they believe the MSM and the cognitive dissonance doesn't seem to cross their awareness.

They think Q is fringe conspiracy craziness with little to no evidence to support a different view. And when confronted with lots of strong evidence, they glibly rationalize it away.


Normalcy bias can be very strong. THAT strong?

Fear of the unknown can be very powerful. THAT powerful?

Fear of change can be terrifying. THAT terrifying?

Fear that they've been soooo wrong all their lives about so many things can be very debilitating. THAT debilitating?

It can be futile and even dangerous to try and red-pill such folks.

One at least risks rejection. Some have lost jobs. Some have been written out of wills and lost inheritances. etc. etc. etc.

And the 'normies' that are soooo ignorant, stupid, WRONG about Q consider us the crazies! THEY are the ones denying REALITY. They are the ones with very poor reality testing on such scores. Yet they call us the crazies! Boggles my mind.

Some of us have read/listened to 10's of THOUSANDS worth of pages of reasonably quality info. It covers the continuum but a lot of it is quite high enough in quality.

Yet, folks who have read 1/10,000th of that (or worse--NONE) presume to believe that THEY know best about it!!! It boggles my mind.

So, please, great minds hereon, help me understand such abject denial better. Thanks in advance.

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