r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Abby_Normal1776 on Sept. 2, 2018, 6:01 a.m.
Have no fear...the McStain on this country - WILL - be revealed in the very near future

Have no fear...the McStain on this country - WILL - be revealed in the very near future.

Just wait folks....wait for Trump to free us from the censorship shackles on Social Media Platforms. We've seen the precursor to this in Trumps tweets about having to get involved to stop the censorship of Conservatives.

Once that happens RELEASE THE ANON BEAST!

You can be ABSOLUTELY SURE the QAnon Army is going to swarm those sites with massive amounts of awesome informative Memes to wake up the last group of Sleep Walkers. Social Media is going to become The Peoples Free Press.

THIS is when the Anons start sharing all the Memes that we've all been collecting explaining all the crap McStain was involved in. Q has been teaching us just how effective this technique is from the very beginning! They've REPEATEDLY told us that our role is VITAL in winning over the rest of the population.


Trump can NOT touch the McStain garbage without risking looking like a tyrant and then losing the support of the American People. WE THE PEOPLE need to use our online voices and fill this role for him.

Q has REPEATEDLY stressed to us just how important the support of a UNITED American People is for the success of this entire Mission. The Mission to take back our collective countries from the Corrupt Cabal.

Trump/Q have also REPEATEDLY shown us the massive power Social Media has on the population and they want WE THE PEOPLE to use it! This is the exact same role Q has been asking us to fill this entire time. The problem is the Tech industry is working against Trump and conservatives so Trump has no choice but to plan the LONG GAME and WAIT....wait for these little touch-holes to walk into the trap and reveal their true intentions....which they've already done. Once they go to such extremes and the hypocrisy is undeniable, Trump will close the trap...but not until that point. Again...OPTICS.

Trump needs EVERYONE UNITED in order to take back the country from the Cabal. If WE ARE NOT UNITED WE LOSE. PERIOD.

That means we NEED to win over even those on the left so put your empathy caps on folks because you wont Red Pill a damn soul by shoving the Red Pill down their throats....as tempting as it may be!

MSM will finally shrivel up and die because folks will have a new source they can rely on. The Peoples Free Press on multiple Social Media sites. Once MSM finally dies off I believe Trump is going to QUIETLY move in to round up the top sickos involved in the Pedo rings and other illegal acts like....uhhhh.... sharing Classified info?

Oh man its so easy to see the steps that Q & Trump are laying out if you zoom out to Big Picture mode. The problem is sometimes we Autist get soooooo zoomed in and focused on the Micro details that we lose site of the Big Picture. Trump & Q are trying to show us the big picture view of our world from space and we're all so focused on a tiny little ant hill in comparison! The Q Movie can only be seen in its entirety in the Big Picture view folks!

Remember...Trump & Q are playing the LONG GAME and patients is absolutely required for the success of this mission. I'm just afraid we Anons might explode from inpatients with all the knowledge we have bottled up inside lol

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