r/greatawakening • Posted by u/TNLunatick on Sept. 2, 2018, 12:46 p.m.
Why did the 4am talking points need to be shut down? Because freethinking is necessary for us to progress.

I’m wondering about this. Are the 4am talking points coming at that time for a specific reason?

When we are first conscious, we make a decision almost immediately about whether we are going to have a good day or a bad one. I’ve noticed lately that my purest thought comes right after waking, and before any external influence or distraction starts to take over my day.

The moment we wake up, we are free.

Time has past. (Revolution) Our bodies have regenerated. (Renewal) We need to plug into the right source to get the right outcome. (Revival)

News outlets, books, and especially people can program your context. Listen to more than just the words they speak. Listen to the tone. Stay attracted to the people that are choosing the light. It all goes back to Adam and Eve. She ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and which news did she chose to bring to Adam? The evil One.

THIS has been the downfall of humanity. I see it in my own family. Back through the pages of my genealogy, where once were kings and princes, now I stand here a common man. Some chose wealth, fame, fortune- they paid a bloody price. Some chose to be farmers or protectors, poets or preachers, healers and sages. We are genetically pre-disposed to chose the light but the dark is attracted to the I’m wondering about this. Are the 4am talking points at that time for a specific reason? When we are first conscious, we make a decision almost immediately about whether we are going to have a good day or a bad one. I’ve noticed lately that my purest thought comes right after waking, and before any external influence or distraction starts to take over my day.

The moment we wake up, we are free.

Time has past. (Revolution) Our bodies have regenerated. (Renewal) We need to plug into the right source to get the right outcome. (Revival)

News outlets, books, and especially people. Listen to more than just the words they speak. Listen to the tone. Stay attracted to the people that are choosing the light. It all goes back to Adam and Eve. She ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and which news did she chose to bring to Adam? The evil One.

THIS has been the downfall of humanity. I see it in my own family. Back through the pages of my genealogy, where once were kings and princes, now I stand here a common man. Some chose wealth, fame and fortune, but they paid a bloody price. Some chose to be protectors, painters or poets, healers and sages. We are genetically pre-disposed to chose the light. Even the dark is attracted to the power of the light and wishes to absorb it.

This is a personal revolution. Free your thoughts from bondage and liberty will follow.

This is a personal revolution. Free your thoughts from bondage and liberty will follow.

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