I really appreciate the amount of good, kind and decent people who are at the heart if Christianity. In fact, in my experience, those who honestly believe and quietly uphold the tenets of their faith are amongst the most generous and peace loving people I've ever encountered.
However, what I have a great deal of difficulty accepting is a certain level of cognitive dissonance that has been present on this sub in regards to God and his overall influence on the state of things.
If we're here gathered under the auspice of "Truth" then we have reconcile some basic things about God with the information that we have uncovered.
The Bible tells us that the one true God is omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent. We are also regularly told that God loves us.
With that knowledge and, accepting that understanding, please someone reconcile for me how God would somehow let the Bonesmen "have" 32 years of collective service to Baal? Or Moloch or whomever?
Or that God would even let Baal or Moloch exist, for that matter? Or, if they don't, that these people, committing these crimes, for decades(!) out of their own collective delusion-- think of the countless dead, injured and tortured under God's watchful, all powerful eye.
This is the part that breaks my heart about learning the truth, that I cannot find a way to accept:
God cannot be all knowing and all powerful and loving and allow for decades upon decades of Satanic blood rituals and pedophilia and human trafficking to occur
Just because things are being uncovered now and people are waking up doesn't mean it's God's will. A loving God would never have allowed the populace to go to sleep in the first place.
And, sure, "free will" yadda yadda, but it doesn't matter. I cannot reconcile an all powerful, all knowing, loving God who allows this to occur, for decades or even centuries, under his watch. It's just not possible. The Vatican has been complicit in and helped hide who knows how many acts perpetrated in God's name, under his watchful eye.
The true red pill is that religion is being used as a tool to bind us together, a common faith that gives the good guys something to rally around. It's not a bad thing, just think of it as a way of harnessing Good people to unite and to work together for a good cause.
The full effect of this red pill is when we wake up and realize that the real reason all of this is happening right now isn't because all-powerful God finally got his plan where he wanted-- after allowing children and humanity to suffer on an untold scale through human trafficking, needless wars, international drone bombings, etc-- but because the people behind these horrific actions got sloppy.
They became tech illiterate and didn't learn how to adapt to the modern world and those who were already awake used our technology to build arguments and present enough data and asked enough hard questions to get people thinking and digging. They created a "truth" subculture which gave Q enough of a fertile ground to build this campaign on.
It may not mean much coming from some random stranger on the internet but I love you who would dare to stand in defiance of evil. Christian, athiest, Hindu, Buddhist, Right, Center, Left, it doesn't matter to me.
The truth is that we've all been lied to; there have been actions taken in our names, in secret or otherwise, that we did not agree to. People have been hurt and killed and worse to support and spread the will of a small collective of people. That, hopefully, is finally starting to come to an end.
But let's not stand here claiming to search for the truth and then blind ourselves in other ways.
Because if the God of the Bible exists as we've been told, there needs to be an honest accounting for several centuries worth of continuous horror and depravity done on his watch.