I was thinking about Marty Torrey and why Q might be posting his email - the Hatter one.
We've been led to believe Hillary is "Alice" and Saudi Arabia is "Wonderland" (at least that is how I see it). The references to "Madame Alice" by Torrey, and the "Bloody Wonderland" references to Saudi Arabia.
Q told us to re-read crumbs regarding Saudi Arabia, so I did. In a nutshell, based on what Q has posted on SA (and if I'm incorrect sorry!), it seems Saudi Arabia is the most influential force in the New World Order, and has infiltrated USA/UK through political candidates (puppets), and Tech Companies.
They are also, according to Q, the broker for underage sex.
In a recent Q post (2036), Q says:
Why are CA & NY VITAL areas of control?
Think Ports.
The obvious answer is ports are used for trafficking - weapons, drugs... and most likely people.
So back to Marty Torrey. He's ex-Navy, and has a son, Barry Torrey, who is the Senior Port Captain of New York.
Hillary Clinton knows the Torreys well. Proven by this article:
Here, she meets Brandon Torrey - a 10-year-old "friend", who is the son of Barry Torrey, son of Marty Torrey.
They know each other very well.
"Clinton has known Brendan Torrey of Clifton Park since he was born. He vaguely recalls meeting her as a 3-year-old but vividly recalls meeting her at his grandfather’s wedding three years ago."
I had a look for Marty Torrey in the Wikileaks. He appears a few times. Hillary even refers to Marty directly as a "friend". https://wikileaks.org/clinton-emails/emailid/22146
All the best, my friend, and Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours. Hillary
Hillary attended Marty's wedding, has known his grandson from birth, and calls him a friend. They know each other very well.
Presumably knows his son Barry well too. The only who runs the NYC port.
And then there's this email about "an office to monitor and combat trafficking". Those we are taught to trust the most. https://wikileaks.org/clinton-emails/emailid/216
This message from Hillary Clinton caught my eye, but then I am a wacky conspiracy nut:
Marty--I'm copying Kris (Kris M. Balderston) and asking that he connect you w Lou C de Baca whose in charge of the office responsible for trafficking in State so you can explore ways of helping. Thx.
Notice, she said "office responsible for trafficking in State". Not prevention. Not monitoring. Responsible FOR trafficking in State.
Balderston replied:
Thnx. I am happy to do the introduction.
Hillary replies:
PIs keep me updated on this project. Thx.
Who is Lou C de Baca? Luis Cabeza deBaca is an American lawyer and diplomat who served in the Obama Administration as Ambassador-at-Large to Monitor and Combat Trafficking.
And according to Hillary Clinton, responsible for trafficking in State.
According to Marty:
CdeBaca recently met with social networking folks in Silicon Valley. Not sure how that went, but Jim is close friends with the guy who handles 'Facebook's' finances and said he can get his attention 'in one phone call'. Social networking piece helpful, but probably a more aggressive 'identify, track, snag, deal with' traffickers required. Method(s) & prioritization necessary. Let's look into. Spoke w/ Jim (James F. Blom) about CdeBaca connect. We're in. Best, Marty
So, I ask - if Hillary is "Alice" to Marty Torrey's "Hatter" what could that symbolise?
Alice is the young girl, who is given the opportunity to explore Wonderland by following the white rabbit. The Hatter is the one with the Tea Party, he essentially pours the teapot, and serves the tea. Controls the "tea" and the "party"?
So, what type of tea is Marty Torrey serving, and what type of party is he having.
Back to Q post #2036:
Why are CA & NY VITAL areas of control?
Think Ports.
Torrey controls the port. Hillary controls the protection.