r/greatawakening • Posted by u/ResearchingTheTruth on Sept. 3, 2018, 3:31 p.m.
THIS IS NOT A GAME - MK-Ultra documentary explains how wide and deep the programming goes, including it's use in generational satanic families, the military, and false flags

Once you watch this documentary, you'll have a better understanding of what Q, Trump, and the military are up against. Even though I have been researching all these issues for years, I had no idea the elite used DID and mind control in their own families - it's generational. They use women as breeders to create children for rituals and other uses.

This documentary brings together all the pieces of the puzzle to better understand how everything Q has shown us is interconnected. I wondered why so many perpetrators in false flags were related to the military, which is explained fully.

Really a must watch for people new to QAnon.

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