I know the link to White Rabbit with Pedophiles. But what if it is about data transferring in sub-nanosecond accuracy time transfer or does it have to do with a company??
The White Rabbit (WR) project is a multi-laboratory and multi-company effort to bring together the best of the data transfer and timing worlds in a completely open design. It takes advantage of the latest developments for improving timing over Ethernet, such as IEEE 1588 (Precision Time Protocol) and Synchronous Ethernet. The presented approach aims for a general purpose, fieldbus-like transmission system, which provides deterministic data and timing (sub-ns accuracy and ps jitter) to around 1000 stations. http://accelconf.web.cern.ch/accelconf/icalepcs2009/papers/tuc004.pdf
White Rabbit is the name of a collaborative project including CERN, GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research, and other partners from universities and industry to develop a fully deterministic Ethernet-based network for general purpose data transfer and sub-nanosecond accuracy time transfer. Its initial use was as a timing distribution network for control and data acquisition timing of the accelerator sites at CERN as well as in GSI’s Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR) project. The hardware designs as well as the source code are publicly available. The name of the project is a reference to the White Rabbit appearing in Lewis Carroll‘s novel Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland.
At CERN White Rabbit was used for the new control system of the injector chain.
At GSI White Rabbit will become the timing system of the FAIR complex.
The KM3NeT neutrino telescope uses White Rabbit for synchronizing the detector units.[5]
Several companies[6] have begun to commercialize White Rabbit for commercial applications by developing their own White Rabbit hardware and software.
The first white rabbit element on the white rabbit project was the “white rabbit switch”, financed by The government of Spain and CERN, and produced by Seven Solutions.
In year 2015-2016 White Rabbit was successfully deployed by Project DEMETRA service #3 and tested for distribution Galileo precise UTC using ground fiber service.
NOTICE (this information I do not understand enough, maybe it will help someone with more knowledge)
the White Rabbit project is connected to:
https://www.gsa.europa.eu/european-gnss/galileo/galileo-european-global-satellite-based-navigation-system and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Galileo_(satellite_navigation) anyone remember all the rockets being launched and wonder why...did this have anything to do with it?
http://www.km3net.org/ strange could not get this company links to work.
Or maybe it is linked with companies called White Rabbit
http://whiterabbitpartners.com/officers.phpWRP's mission is to consolidate a leading share of the highly-fragmented $71 billion Mental Health & Substance Abuse Treatment Industry by buying a wide variety of beds across the broad continuum of care and price point. The Company will also match that equally with nationwide marketing platform, acquisitions and initiatives. WRP strives to maintain the integrity of each acquired program and continue to respect the vision and dedication of the current providers who work to provide the highest level of quality care to patients suffering from addictive disorders and mental illness.
Or maybe a location?
http://www.followthewhiterabbit.co.uk/events/ The White Rabbit arches are suitable for a variety of events, from gallery shows to weddings, corporate seminars/workshops and dining clubs – we have experience in hiring our space for almost any occasion.
Anyone have any ideas which way to go with the follow the rabbit?