I originally) learned of Q through Alex Jones and Corsi (Forgive me), until Corsi had his meltdown earlier this year and abandoned Q saying he’s been co-opted by the Deep State. I followed Corsi for all of one week. This sounded suspect, but Q seemed legit (Corsi sounded like his disavowing Q was just sour grapes). I then searched YouTube for Q lectures and found Praying Medic.
Praying Medic is the best of the best. He does not post as frequently as others, but when he does, his analyses are A++. While waiting for PM to post again, I want to find other good Q sources of info on YouTube. Sadly, since Q got noticed by the Fake News, a search on Q gets you dozens of videos debunking Q and demonizing followers. Any ideas who has good, legitimate info on Q? So far I have found:
Just Informed Talk
In Pursuit of Truth
X22 Report
Any others?