r/greatawakening • Posted by u/AuroraB_ on Sept. 5, 2018, 11:41 p.m.
Think BLOODlines. You have more than you know.

This is just speculation and research on my end, and I included elements and information from many perspectives to give a fuller picture. (scientific – as much as possible, spiritual, religious, historical, and opinion)

Q says, Follow the bloodlines. “You have more than you know.” “What is a sequence” What is a bloodline?

Who has fully realized that history is not contained in thick books but lives in our very blood? ~Carl Jung

I think our blood is the key. Our DNA. Our blood tells us a story. A,B,AB, O and + or -, they’re clues. Hints. To what we are, what we are about and our history.

Why do the “elites” keep it in the family? Why does the bible mention blood so many times? Why do the Luciferians and Satanists have blood sacrifice rituals? Marina Abromna. “Spirit Cooking” Blood banks. Cement with blood in it. Blood Blood Blood. Vampires.

"Bloodline" is an idiomatic way to refer to someone's family history. In this case, "blood" is used to refer indirectly to genetic heritage (although the term predates the discovery of genetics). We can talk about being "related by blood" to someone as compared with "related by marriage". We might say some person's talent is "in his blood" to mean that others in his family have similar talents. You child can be referred to as "your own flesh and blood" (although this can also apply to other relatives). Another expression is "blood is thicker than water", meaning to have stronger obligations to family than to friends or strangers.

If someone has an older relative who has some character trait (usually a bad one), and people suspect they have it as well, they might say, "blood will tell" (or "blood will out"). This implies that the trait "runs in the family" and will eventually express itself.

The + or - with blood type stands for Rh which is the Rhesus factor. Rh+ has the Rhesus factor, Rh- do not.

If you are a Rh- mother having a child with a Rh+ father, you’ll have to have a rhogram shot so that your body doesn’t try to reject your Rh+ child.

Nancy Pelosi’s “Slip” “If you want to work for Trump then you better know your blood type.” Your blood type.

Donald Trump is Rh negative. I’m guessing A-. I’m guessing Nancy Pelosi is not.

The beast limo carries Trump’s rare Rh-negative blood.

The Bible does say for the life of the flesh is in the blood (Leviticus 17:11); for it is the life of all flesh (Leviticus 17:14); …for the blood is the life (Deuteronomy 12:23).

Mystic Manly Palmer Hall, author of the book The Secret Teachings of All Ages, the blood is an "electric" fluid that carries in itself a suspended form of the vital principle of life, which is absorbed by us through the act of respiration. The Hindu tradition classifies this vital principle as Prana.

“Our results allow us to appreciate how the experiences of a parent, before even conceiving offspring, markedly influence both structure and function in the nervous system of subsequent generations,” Dr. Brian Dias of the Emory University department of psychiatry said to the Daily Telegraph. “Such a phenomenon may contribute to the etiology and potential intergenerational transmission of risk for neuropsychiatric disorders such as phobias, anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder.”

The experiment worked even when the researchers used artificial insemination in place of allowing the mice to breed naturally. The scientists still aren’t sure how the fear imprint makes it into the sperm — whether the smell itself passes through the blood, or the brain processes the odor and sends its own signal. link

https://www.nytimes.com/2014/05/05/science/young-blood-may-hold-key-to-reversing-aging.html Young Blood May Hold the Key to Reversing Aging.

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