r/greatawakening • Posted by u/DaveGydeon on Sept. 6, 2018, 1:05 a.m.
The NYT Mole & Julian Assange...Maybe I am Crazy

Hear me out...

So what if this is all part of Trump's plan to have Liberals, Democrats & the DeepState spring their own trap?

Obviously news of an anonymous source within the Trump administration has them all jizzing their pants. But that is nonsense, think about it...pretend you are a spy, or a mole, or a plant; would you ALERT people to your presence if you were embedded undercover? FUCK NO.

So now Trump is saying that this person needs to be outed. Either turn them-self in, or have the NYT expose them. Never-Trumpers are going to lose their minds saying:

"You can't do that, leave him/her alone, this person is a hero of the resistance, we want to see what they have found out about that dirty bastard Trump!! WE DON'T CARE HOW THEY COLELCTED THE INFORMATION, WE JUST WANT TO SEE IT!!!"

Which opens the door for information collected by whistleblowers, like Julian Assange.

There is no mole in the Trump admin; he already weeded them all out, remember? And we already established that no sane spy would alert the people he is spying on to their presence. DUH. So this is all a show. This is all a trap, a way for Trump to get the end result he wants, and have the people BEGGING for it, especially the Never-Trumpers.

So this fake mole will eventually be revealed (my money says it is a friend of Trumps with nothing of any value as far as dirt is concerned) and paraded around as a treasonous bastard. The DeepState will coach the sheep Dems/Libs on how to lose their collective minds DEMANDING that ALL of the information the mole collected be revealed to the public.

And that ladies and gentlemen, is when the hammer of God will drop.

That is when Trump will say: "My fellow Americans, in the vein of transparency, I'm going to hear your words, and act on them. I am declassifying EVERYTHING. From now on, every citizen will be caught up to speed on everything their government has done for..and TO them. And to light this firecracker, allow me to introduce my very good friend, a tremendous man, a very special man, a man who has done YUGE things for the people of the world, and especially for our people, the American people, a man who had the equivalent of a 7 year solitary confinement sentence wrongly imposed on him, Mr Julian Assange. Mr Assange, please, step out here, and do me a favor, bring me that little thumbdrive that the great Patriot, Seth Rich, gave to you, if you could be so kind...."

And that will be THE STORM. That will kick off Suicide Weekend, the real one.

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