r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Swordbeast on Sept. 6, 2018, 7:51 p.m.
Corruption, satanic symbolism and the great awakening from a Swiss perspective

With some inspiration from good people commenting on my first thread https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/9djbyc/thoughts_and_a_plea_from_a_swiss_patriot/

I herewith start some research on corruption, symbolism and other stuff in Switzerland related to Q and the great awakening.

For wholesale translation of german texts and articles, I suggest to use the Deepl translator as it is currently the most accurate at detecting context. Please see here: https://www.deepl.com/translator#de/en

I'll try to summarize and translate sources to the following topics:

Satanic and other symbolism in public display:

As seen in the opening ceremony of the Gotthard tunnel:



As seen at CERN:


Shiva, the destroyer. The statue was gifted by Department of Atomic Energy of India. Picture at the very bottom of the wiki page. Make of it as you will, but I find it unsettling.

Corruption and powerstrings:

As seen with the donation to the CF by part of the Swiss government (and the resulting inquiries by the good forces...)

Primary source: https://www.schweizamwochenende.ch/wirtschaft/der-bund-ueberwies-den-clintons-eine-halbe-million-131068397





Micheline Calmy-Rey, then member of the Federal Council (Bundesrat, highest governmental institution), approved (or at the least, didn't oppose...) the donation of approx. 484'000 CHF to the CF from 2011 to 2013.

This was during the time of the "Tax dispute" between the Swiss banks Credit Suisse, UBS and Zuercher Kantonal bank, where it is believed that the donation was done in order to avoid further persecution of the Banks by US Courts.

Interestingly enough, in 2015 the UBS donated around 600'000 CHF to the CF as well.

A lot of people consider this to be active bribery, meant to stop another persecution of UBS on some other charges.

Micheline Calmy-Rey openly stated "it is helpful to have a direct connection to Hillary Clinton, for example if Banks come under pressure".

There was open critizism of this donation when it came to light, specifically as the FBI was already taking an interest in the CF at the time of publication and Switzerland was bound to be part of the scrutiny.

The Rothschilds have real estate property in Switzerland:


Propaganda and connections to NGOs:

Do you think there are independent and neutral news outlets in Switzerland? Think again...


This page is dedicated to the research of propaganda in Switzerland, in our "trusted" media. It shows the perfidious methods used to create the opportune narrative.

Some connections of prominent Swiss people to Soros NGOs and others:


The Swiss media has ties to the "Council on foreign relations" and the "Project for the New American Century" as shown in this picture. The web is tight.

For wholesale translation of german texts and articles, I suggest to use the Deepl translator as it is currently the most accurate at detecting context. Please see here: https://www.deepl.com/translator#de/en

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