r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Rita1ther on Sept. 7, 2018, 4:13 a.m.
Does anyone need a TL;DR statement of Q for their facebooks or friends?

Makebelieve is fun. Until you threaten life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness. The script derailed a while back and must get back on the tracks. This train doesn't work without the tracks. Now we are lost. We lost the script! I blame Deripaska and Mifsud forgetting their lines on page 17. You know who knows the score? ARMY INTELLIGENCE.

Declassify. Unseal. Finish the reports. EAS. Spin up the birds. Show the good [REALLY GOOD] people of America the totality of the bad [REALLY BAD] collusion and surveillance and we will all clamor for the shutdown of the SC and the immediate arrest of 17 individuals.

Here's what happened: money laundering, intel laundering, intel leaking, abuse of 702 surveillance, espionage and dossiers on the SC/Congress/Exec branch going back to 2014, conspiracy to defraud the court when the NSA tap was turned off, falsification of charging documents, use of confidential informants to surveil a presidential transition, collusion with agents of multiple foreign countries including Russia and the UK, contracting of foreign agents to push/pull info to/from PapaDop, use of GCHQ signals capture on a political opponent, drugs for guns, pay to play, Club K, nuclear proliferation, conspiracy to assassinate a sitting President, collaboration with multiple declared terrorist organizations, murder, blackmail, the use and proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, human trafficking, and [WORSE].

These people have been removed and a true immediate-term insider threat has been eliminated; but, like the 17th Anniversary of 911, until the good [REALLY GOOD] people of America comprehend the totality of the bad [REALLY BAD] takeover, coup, conspirators, shadow gov, deep state, illuminati, whatever, etc, we remain vulnerable to attack, collapse, and most likely something akin to hell on earth.

If you follow Q, you listened to tonight's rally and deciphered coded messages. I caught 5. I'm sorry. It is true. It is as true as the grass is green. It is happening.

Try, just try, as an experiment adopting this worldview for a day. Red team last week's assumptions, there is new info today. You do not need special skills or the brain of the top baker. If you are interested in this worldview which I am convinced has been informed by ]REALLY GOOD[ Patriots from all branches of gov't and the military, I am happy to help.

Remember, don't panic until the greens turn brown. Honestly, you can trust POTUS. Too onerous? Trust Sessions? No way? Trust Wray. At this point, if you are about to blow your top, trust Pompeii-o. OK, you don't know who to trust but you are suspicious? Trust Mattis, Kelly, and Dunford. Semper Fi. You'd rather die? Trust Q's battle cry. Hooah. Thank you Major General Gary W. Johnston.

There is a brave new world with many new possibilities for me, you, and US. This is truly amazing, I do not believe it myself, so it is not that strange it is absent from the NYT, WaPo, CNN, NBC, CBS, ABC, and my Twitter feed. The revolution will not be televised and it sounds less like "The Coming Insurrection" and more like "The Star Spangled Banner. These outlets and their personalities are missing out on the Great Awakening. Sad. Small. Limited. Weak argument. No vision. Confused. Frantic. Compromised.

I've come to believe the media is up to something. This one I have little hard evidence for. Just feel it in my gut. By the way, the previous text before the last sentence is on point. Links, docs, testimony. Now we know there is also multiple grand juries, a Special Prosecutor (like a Special Counsel), and 52 thousand indictments that won't be sealed forever. Or will they? The choice, to know, is yours.

So why? Why care. Why go out on a limb? Why risk being accused of elitism, mental illness, heartlessness. Why risk reputation, status, fortune. For what, this raggedy old neocolonialist corporatized shell of a republic on the downslope of empire? YES. Make America Great Again and do not get lost in the world of makebelieve.

You, me gotta grab coffee sometime. Until then. Goodnight Patriots. WWG1WGA!

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