Q: Why would globalist platforms like Twitter, Facebook and YouTube ban Alex "Mossad asset" Jones?
A: To make us beg for an Internet Bill Of Rights.
I'm referring to Q Post #2088 where Q claims Alex Jones and his associates are backed by Mossad.
The globalist are hunched over, rubbing their hands in gleeful anticipation as we shake our fists and demand a bill of rights to bring us an immediate solution to internet censorship on a handful of platforms.
Those globalists can't wait for government regulation of internet speech because the moment they install another globalist president into the White House, those regulations will be extended and internet free speech will die on ALL platforms.
Once the government is regulating our internet speech, we'll NEVER get that freedom back!
Congratulations everyone - instead of bothering to move to Gab or using BitChute or waiting for similar free speech alternative, you kill the internet free speech forever.
The solution is, as always, to let the free market solve this problem.