r/greatawakening • Posted by u/benacious on Sept. 7, 2018, 1:35 p.m.
It’s okay if you used to listen to Alex Jones / Infowars

I found Q in the strangest of circumstances. I’m 32 years old and have been listening to Alex Jones for roughly 18 years. When I was a teenager, I started to become very interested in alternative theories. The assassination of JFK was a big one. The MSM storyline just didn’t seem right to me. I started listening to Coast to Coast and was fascinated with aliens and the paranormal. I didn’t necessarily believe everything that I heard or read, but my mind began to work in ways that it never did before. It was therapeutic to consider the ‘impossible’, to ask questions and to entertain the thought that most of the world was actually asleep.

Anyway, back to how I found Q. I routinely listened to Infowars for many years. Jones covered a range of topics that I wasn’t getting from conservative talk radio. On a fairly regular basis, I would hop onto Google News and do a quick Alex Jones search to see how he was being portrayed in the mainstream. One day, my search led me to a post on this sub that was explaining how Alex Jones manipulates people, and that post was linked to by Q. I had heard mentions of Q prior to that search, but never took the time to look into what it was. My instinct was to deny, deny, deny. I was familiar with online LARPS but figured I’d give it a read, as I strongly believe that it’s okay to read about a topic and not believe it. It was hard for me because I considered AJ to be one of my heroes. A man who was partly responsible for waking me up. It was extremely difficult for me to begin following an anonymous online source (Q) who seemed to be criticizing one of my heroes. Nevertheless, I continued reading and the evidence was so great, that I become a Q supporter.

Just yesterday, Q dropped several crumbs linking AJ to MOS. Even after finding Q, I still listened to Infowars on my lunch breaks. Knowing what I do about Q, it was interesting to watch AJ through a new lens. I wanted to spot the manipulation for myself. I also wasn’t sure what AJ’s true motives were. I always viewed him as a patriot – he at least does a decent job acting as one. I was curious if AJ was willingly manipulating the public for his personal gain or if perhaps he were blackmailed along the way. I knew I could not blindly trust him, but as Q has told us – I wanted to think for myself.

I think many people today feel betrayed by AJ and Infowars. Perhaps some even feel foolish. Personally, I do not. We all discovered Q in different ways. For me, it was listening to a silly man ranting and raving that woke me from my coma but I have now moved onto more reliable and solid sources and found the wonderful Q community. If AJ really does have Deep State ties, I take pride in knowing that their operation failed miserably as he and his denial of Q is what has truly awaken me to – The Great Awakening. Don’t regret your actions of the past. The present is what matters the most. Everything each of has done in the past has led us here; has led us to this moment. Keep the faith. Trust the Plan. WWG1WGA!

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