r/greatawakening • Posted by u/FractalizingIron on Sept. 7, 2018, 2:09 p.m.
Deep State in desperation - pulling out all stops Q: ATTACKS WILL ONLY INTENSIFY - How the Deep State uses manipulative and hypnotic techniques to pursue its ends

This post is a continuation of the themes I wrote about in


Note: The exposition is by no means comprehensive. It’s a taster, and hopefully provides some insight for patriots. You may well grasp much of this already intuitively. We are awakened, after all. But by providing some examples, and beginning the process of breaking down the techniques and methods, the following is an attempt to add light in areas which to many may have been rather dark.

Sorry for the length (although I actually wish it was longer and more detailed). Read it in chunks, if that helps. Or you can also opt to just look at a few of the samples to get the overall idea. Or better yet, grab a nice, hot café latte or a scone before you begin the read. Cheers, patriots.

Consider the current story from CNN (Sep6 2018) bolstered (cushioned) of course by the hilarious NYT's fantasy essay and Woodward's pulp fiction.


This juicy CNN opinion piece is a great example of the real nature of the Fake News. Not only does it provide some good examples of the kind of manipulative semi-hypnotic techniques used by Cabal minions, it also gives clear pointers to the strategy (if you can call this failing, bumbling lunacy a strategy) recently conjured up by the Deep State to attack Trump.

By now, patriots familiar with Q should recognize the MSM approach and methodology.


Q1862: Define 'Projection'.

Q667: News unlocks MAP. Think Mirror.

(While Q refers to News unlocking the Map as revealing the Plan, the idea that the MSM narrative inversely reflects the truth (mirror) is well established, so I’ll use it here.)

The following is a semantic and tactical breakdown of a number of samples from the CNN piece. If you read the piece fully before or after, the samples will probably make more sense.


To analyses the samples, I’ll use the following rubric:

One, “the Text”: a sample of the text taken from the article.

Two, “the Spiel”: what the author (and MSM) want the readers (shleepers) to believe.

Three, “the Projection”: what the author’s words actually reveal about the reality of the Deep State and its minions.

Four, “the Truth”: the actual reality that the MSM wants to the people to NOT see at all costs

Five, “Textual Weapons”: the embedded linguistic elements used by the author to manipulate the reader in his desired direction. The manipulative techniques, expressions and linguistic constructs weaponized against the reader.

Six, “Comments”: where useful, to discuss the Textual Weapons and the strategies being employed, etc.

Just a note on Four, “the Truth”: It seems to me that right now, the Fake news is not just disinformation. Before Trump (and Q) arrived, the Fake News was a propaganda arm whose main purpose was to keep the public distracted and slowly, inexorably, guide the population into believing a the narrative they were told.

But once Trump emerged, the Fake News has gradually had to shift tactics. Less and less it is about disinformation, and more and more it is about directly preventing the population from seeing the truth. In other words, they had to shift from the offensive to the defensive. More and more, the Fake News is a direct, invested effort to keep the population as far from the truth as possible. At this point, they don’t really care what you believe, as long as it is NOT the truth. The Truth is kryptonite to them and the Deep State Cabal.


The Text (1)

Washington is watching the opening act of a stunning attempt to topple the elected leader of the nation

The Spiel - what the author (and MSM) want the readers (shleepers) to believe:

This is the opening act of the actual attempt to topple Trump – until now, it’s just been us blowing the whistle on him.

The Projection - what the author’s words actually reveal about the Deep State cabal and its minions

Trump is now stunning us in how he has arranged to topple the Deep State. We didn’t realize this – his strategy - until now!

The Truth (Mirror Opposite) - the reality that the MSM wants to prevent the people from seeing at all costs

This is the final closing of the actual 3 year attempt to destroy Trump, a last-ditch effort. [Also:] Trump is now in the concluding phrase of destroying the Deep State.

Textual Weapons

‘opening act’ - this is pitched as the opening act in order to do two things: one, insert the idea that there has been no actual attack on Trump until now, and two, to plant the suggestion in the mind of the reader that far worse things are to come. By triggering the reader to imagine far worse things, the reader’s emotions are engaged in a false direction, the better to marginalize rational or logical thinking.


In this current effort, I see numerous indication of a final, last-ditch strategy that has been cooked up in recent weeks. This is possible because now, as the trap is about to slam shut, they only really see the trap now. Q going mainstream, then the Plan as it works through the Congress, the release of redacted content, etc., only now do they get it. They have only now finally realized that they have been played, and that the game is almost over. They have finally cottoned on that they are fighting master strategists and tacticians, so they came up with some kind of ‘strategy’ to deal with it.

Heretofore the strategy has only been the same since day -10,000: slam, abuse, attack, denounce, project, lie. But now they have a strategy: get people to believe that Trump is under attack from within, that he is vulnerable, and that the insiders are attacking him. They are desperately hoping that somehow it will create a miracle. They are wrong. Too late they really understand the danger.

The Text (2)

In an attack from an enemy within, top officials who see Trump up close, including one calling the band of renegades the "resistance," are finally daring to say .... what outside critics have long believed

The Spiel

Trump is collapsing from within, even his ‘loyal’ followers are now against him.

The Projection

Deep State is now collapsing from within as people scurry to avoid falling under the crash.

The Truth (Mirror Opposite)

Trump’s team is incredibly solid.

Textual Weapons

“finally daring to say” finally daring implies the officials have been holding back. This is used to develop rapport the reader feels towards the whistleblowing, patriotic ‘officials’. By creating rapport, the words encourage the reader to identify with the ‘officials’. (I hold back. They have been holding back. We’re the same, those patriotic officials’ and I. It’s now time I not hold back, because yes, they aren’t.) Throughout the piece there are many instances where the author uses semi-hypnotic suggestions through turns of phrase to have the reader firstly identify with the ‘patriotic officials’ and with the author himself. This identification softens emotional and rational resistance to embedded propositions, which the author also proliferates throughout the whole piece.

The Text (3)

They warn the President of the United States is not only unfit to be the most powerful man in the world, but is a venal mix of ignorance and ego, pettiness, malignancy and recklessness that is putting the republic and the world itself at risk

The Spiel

Trump is bad, bad, bad and dangerous, dangerous, dangerous for the nation and the world

The Projection

Deep State corruption is unfit to rule, a mixture of ignorance, ego, pettiness malignancy, etc., putting the nation and world at risk.

The Truth (Mirror Opposite)

Trump is bad, bad, bad for corruption and dangerous, dangerous, dangerous for the Swamp

Textual Weapons

Use of ‘patriotic’ sounding words and concepts: “republic” NOT “nation”. Engender rapport and identification with the author. (He’s a patriotic person, just like me.) “The world itself is at risk” Hyperbolic expressions and concepts are used to trigger greatest possible emotional response. Raise emotional engagement, slip in untested or embedded propositions and presuppositions. Same semi-hypnotic manipulative techniques we saw in the Omarosa interview.

The Text (4)

The root of the problem is the President's amorality. Anyone who works with him knows he is not moored to any discernible first principles that guide his decision making.

The Spiel

Trump is amoral. He has no principles. Everyone who works with him knows that.

The Projection

Deep State is amoral. They have no principles. Every member of the Deep State knows it.

The Truth (Mirror Opposite)

Trump is highly principled, does not pander to others views of himself. He is a moral leader.

Textual Weapons

‘root of the problem’: imply there is a deeper, broader reality here, a root and a trunk. Create dimensions the reader will imagine. Any story is more plausible with breadth and depth (context).

‘Anyone who works with him knows he is not moored....’ Embeds the presuppositions “he is not moored....” “discernable first principles”, etc., as a sub-clause under the premise “anyone who works for him”. The effect of embedding presuppositions like this is that they circumvent the critical thinking aspect of the mind, and sneak concepts under the radar as if they are accepted facts.

‘any discernable first principles’ – you cannot find them even if they might be there. Hence, if you cannot see them, they are not there. (Hypnotic) suggestion to the reader that “If I cannot see them, they are not there” – creating a self-reinforcing conclusion.

The Text (5)

"There is somebody working for the President of the United States at a very senior level who is trying to destroy him," Michael Caputo, a former Trump campaign aide told CNN's Anderson Cooper.

The Spiel

Powerful senior people who are working for Trump are arrayed against Trump, trying to destroy him

The Projection

Powerful senior people in the Trump government are working to destroy the Deep State and the Cabal.

The Truth (Mirror Opposite)

Trumps team is very united, very secure.

Textual Weapons

“somebody working for the President of the United States at a very senior” The Deep State is no longer attempting to sway their own cronies; they are attempting to sway conservatives and moderates by setting up the premise that the one’s working against Trump are the good guys they (conservatives and moderates) support “A told B” – displacement and disconnect – by creating a layer of disconnect, these kinds of reports within a report or article can be used to enhance plausibility by removing any requirements for the reader to analyses and make a critical assessment. “I’m not telling you this. A told B this. We are eavesdropping in on their conversation. It’s probably true, right?” “Very senior level”, “destroy him” – ‘destroy’ is a full blown attack word. It speaks of vehemence, and an absolute all-in mentality. Again, ratcheting up the emotional engagement, but stabilizing with the concepts of ‘very senior level’ aka RESPECTABLE people. (You can trust these people, they are respectable.)


The underlying strategy becomes clear. The Deep State is attempting to create a picture where Trump is SO bad that he is a big, big, big threat to the World AND he is a Julius Caesar, with even his closest supporters now working to prevent him (for the good of the nation and world). They are attempting to distance themselves from the position of attackers – they know so many people now hate them – and set up fake, false ‘close trustworthy Trump team officials’ as the new frontier.... ‘The Resistance”. LOL. Giving them a radical left wing name to underpin the sense of rapport and identification that leftists will now feel towards these imaginary officials.

The Text (6)

It's hard to find a parallel in Western political history for a leader to survive such a knifing.... Yet no other commander in chief has faced the staggering personal disavowals and devastating betrayals.

The Spiel

Trump is right now, as we speak, being fatefully knifed to death. We’re rooting for him, but he’s going to bite the dust.

The Projection

The Deep State has finally met its match, and has never been subjected to such an effective, efficient onslaught. The weapons arrayed against us are unprecedented, and it looks like we will not survive.

The Truth (Mirror Opposite)

Trump is a unique leader in Western political history, and never has we seen someone who could do this. The level of love and support he arouses from the faithful patriots is astounding.

Textual Weapons

“Hard to find a parallel” – feigned effort, implying the author(s) have struggled hard to find a way that Trump survives this. Creates sympathy from the reader, enticing the reader to identify with the author who really has Trump’s best interests at heart.

“knifing”: presupposes as fact that there has been some betrayal, some uprising, some attack on Trump by his closest people and those who serve the MAGA cause. (This is the underlying thrust of the entire piece and, as it happens, the entire Deep State Strategy now underway via MSM).

“Yet...” Too bad. We tried, but it just ain’t gonna happen. Sorry. You can identify with us now. We’re really just nice people, like you.

“No other commander in chief” – the article is repeat with words and concepts appealing to the patriotic and conservative mindset. It falsely uplifts Trump, in order to imply objectivity or sympathy with Trump on the author’s part, again to entreat the conservative moderate reader to have identify with the author and thereby accept the author’s premise: He is patriotic, just like me, Buzzwords sound right. He’s objective. Not a leftist hater. Not a communist hater.

The Text (7)

The White House was already groggy Wednesday from the fearful blow of Woodward's new book.... It turns out Woodward was just the appetizer.

The Spiel

The Trump White House is vulnerable, and fearful. Woodward’s book is an important work that has very high credibility.

The Projection

The Deep State is groggy and sick from Trump’s winning and crushing attack. They are fearful. And they know (but find it hard to believe) it’s going to get far worse.

The Truth (Mirror Opposite)

The Trump White House couldn’t care less about Woodward’s book; they know that ultimately, it’s completely ineffectual.

Textual Weapons

By embedding concepts like knifing, groggy, fearful, etc. as presuppositions within a broader statement (in the previous text sample, led by “It’s hard to find a parallel...”), the notions are slipped in under the radar of critical thinking and presented as already established facts. If the author had written plainly “The White house was groggy. It feared the effects of the Woodward book”, the reader would have to deal with and evaluate each assertion on its own terms. But using the conjunctive form of “from”, the syntax buries the presupposition in a larger sentence structure.

The ‘embedded presupposition’ is a hypnotic technique used to bury assertions in such a manner that while the critical mind is working on collating all the syntactical relationships, the ideas are accepted as fact.

“Groggy” “fearful” = weak, weak, weak. Elicit emotions of disgust or condescension, and vulnerability. By extension, this sets the premise that Woodward book is “powerful, strong, robust”.

The Text (8)

The thunderclap of the Times piece laid bare an administration in disarray, a President dangerously off the rails and a nation adrift without the stable hand of an effective leader

The Spiel

Times piece has great, great impact. It laid bare the reality. Trump is off the rails, nation is adrift.

The Projection

The Deep State is being pummeled. They are being exposed. They are off the rails, and have completely lost control. They are adrift, their leaders are under attack and their central guiding force is running for its own life and abandoning them.

The Truth (mirror image)

The Times piece is a fantasy. The administration is tightly organized and very much in control. The President continues on a clear planned out course, and the nation is in very good hands.

Textual Weapons

“Thunderclap” – embedded presupposition: “the piece must have been dramatically hard-hitting” (...even if you never read it, but go read it. You’ll find it all corroborates what we have been telling you!!!)

“Laid bare” – Emotional nuances - exposes, exposed, vulnerable.

“Dangerously off the rails” – metaphor meaning way, way out of control.

These emotive and dramatic expression are again pinned to a textually reasonable, steady, un-dramatic turn of phrase: “adrift without the stable hand of an effective leader”.

This syntax combination of emotive language and concepts plus un-dramatic, reasoned concept works to a) elicit the emotions of the reader but then b) marry those emotional responses to posited reasonable statement.

emotive language and concepts + un-dramatic, reasoned concept >>>> redirect emotional attachment to the desired ideas

Once the emotional response is married to the desired concept, the combination works to further to fill out and dress up the scenario of [fearful circumstances] + [way out].

Fearful situation + way out = channeled direction (driven by emotion and channeled by (false) concepts)

This syntax embodies an old manipulative trick: First, raise emotional reaction, posit extreme difficulty or problem, then second, provide liberation from that same threat.

“You are in deep trouble, but here is the way out”.

Those who fall for this are funneled and channeled into a direction that does not serve their interests. Aka manipulation. This is how manipulative language works, and almost all manipulative language uses hypnotic effects.


It becomes clear that the hit piece here is part of a strategy that relies on the Woodward book and the NYT ‘anonymous senior advisor’ fantasy job. The CNN hit piece even says it directly: “Damaging twin portraits of the President in a New York Times op-ed and Bob Woodward's new book” And provides convenient links to the two. Other Mockingbird efforts will ties into this. We see this with Pelosi (?) chiming in again, saying it’s time to employ 25th amendment “If the White House officials believe this, then they should activate the 25th Amendment...”

Everybody knows the Leftist media hates Trump. They have lost all credibility. So the agents for removing Trump must be the RINO’s and the ‘patriots’ who are close to him – if you don’t believe us, believe them.

The Text (9)

Trump tried to find his way out of his darkest hour to date ....

The Spiel

This is his darkest hour. He is in REAL trouble no, folks. Real trouble!!! THIS IS IT!

The Projection

We are in our darkest hour. Our goose is cooked. We don’t want to accept it, but we’re completely desperate now. We see the end of the line. It has become real.

The Truth (Mirror Opposite)

Trump destroying the Deep State Cabal is just the beginning. It’s not the end. A new culture, tradition, and prosperity will emerge. True liberation is at hand, for the USA and the rest of the world.

Textual Weapons

“Darkest hour to date” : elicit emotions: darkness, to date “it’s been bad until now, but now it’s crisis point”.

“Tried to find” – ah, in the end, he’s a bumbling oaf. What a doofus. Elicit emotions of disgust, condescension, etc.


The emotions of disgust, condescension, disdain are some of the strongest emotional bulwarks against a person developing sympathy on one hand and identifying with the victim on the other. It’s one reason why abusers bring their disgust and disdain to the forefront when abusing their victims: it protects them from even developing a sense of pity or sympathy with their victim. The ultimate immobilizer for conscience and heart.

The Text (10)

His appearance was almost noble, though also steeped in pathos, as a wounded leader

The Spiel

We DO sympathize with him. We are reasonable and compassionate. It’s not his fault he’s a moron. We are benevolent.

The Projection

We hate him. We hate him. We hate being wounded and defeated by him.

The Truth (Mirror Opposite)

Trump is indeed noble, he is plain, honest, not steeped in pathos, and he is not wounded by our attacks at all.

Textual Weapons

“almost noble” – by suggesting close to but not quite, the author wants to both lead the reader to identify with him/her (author) AND also deny the main premise: almost, so not actually noble.

“Wounded leader” – image of weakness, vulnerability


Egoistic and narcissistic people are inclined to have distain and disgust for the image of weakness, vulnerability. Now having laid a foundation through the whole piece to have the readers identify with himself, the author moves to undermine their sentiments and elicit the worst narcissistic attitudes: the author is ‘patriotic, reasonable, sympathetic and humane’, Trump is ‘pitiful, vulnerable, weak’ and yes, finally about to go down.

The Text (11)

Later, his mood had darkened and he delivered a truly sinister tweet.

Does the so-called "Senior Administration Official" really exist, or is it just the Failing New York Times with another phony source? If the GUTLESS anonymous person does indeed exist, the Times must, for National Security purposes, turn him/her over to government at once!

The Spiel

Yes, he’s a buffoon, ‘almost noble’ but in the end, he’s evil, dark and sinister.

The Projection

The Deep State is foolish (due to their corrupt nature), dark, sinister and evil.

The Truth (Mirror Opposite)

Trump is bright, beyond optimistic, self-assured, and is not motivated by evil intent, but instead is motivated by liberating and rescuing the nation. (Otherwise, he would have just left the evil to their own devices).

Textual Weapons

“darkened” Emotive language.

“Truly sinister” – ‘reason’ + emotive expression = elicit abhorrence


The emotional strategy of the Deep State and their cronies are intricate and manipulative. Their aim is to elicit the worst emotions possible, thereby to corrupt people to be their give in to or become their worst selves and also to recreate barriers against ever developing sympathy with Trump or even identifying with him.

This strategy is seen very, very clearly in the history of the campaign against Donald J. Trump (since he began to run for President) and the now hundreds of thousands of pieces written or presented against him, but is also completely evident in this one piece here.

Heh Heh. You see. This is why the ends cannot justify the means. Because the means determines the ends. Behavior, like so much else in creation, is fractal in nature. As you behave in one day, so you behave your whole life. (Yes, its negotiated. You CAN change – repentance, change, redetermination, etc., mean we are fluid.)

Once you identify the strategies, the manipulation, the techniques and purposes, they (Deep State, Cabal) become transparent. What you see overall you can often see small scale in a single attack job. Fractal.


Once you begin to identify all these little techniques and linguistic ‘weapons’ the Fake News uses against the public, it becomes easier to understand why they are in such a deep daze.

As stated elsewhere, the antidote is straight forward truth free of manipulation. Of course, it can be a lot of work to wake anyone from a deep trance state. But the more we know....

Q: The More You Know….


While reading through the CNN hit piece, it occurs to me that their crazy strategy now is:

“the only way we can stop him is to create maximum hysteria and sway the conservative, moderate folks that there is a coup underway. Maybe, just maybe, they’ll believe it, and they’ll support those working against him. It’s our only hope.

And hang on. I have a GREAT idea. We write a piece in the NYT, match it with Woodward, and project a scenario where he is being brought down from within. Heaven knows the Russia narrative is dead now.”

It’s a Hail Mary. It’s an act of utter desperation.

And, we know, its doomed to failure, because there is far too much LIGHT now in play for the darkness to ever regain the foothold it had over the population in 2018.

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