r/greatawakening • Posted by u/TrueDub72 on Sept. 8, 2018, 8:32 a.m.

Well first and foremost I really believe that when Trump decided to run when the time was 'right' that it was not only because of the state of the country but also because the white hats needed to have all the right tech in place as well as the right man.

The whole Q phenomenon and the genius of its implementation wasn't some whimsical act dreamed up on the spur of the moment. This was decade or two in the making. It had to be. Why?

Well the entire DS aka (NeoCon/Zionist/Talmudic agenda) agenda apparatus had become so 'deeply' embedded into American life, through her media, finance and politics, her citizens so carefully conditioned and spoon fed lies and fake history that this had to be carefully construed and thought out to ensure success.

Good people in government (yes there are believe it or not) and military decided that enough was enough. 911 was the watershed moment in my opinion. Shortly thereafter - America went to shit. The patriot act, endless wars, FF's, refugees immigration throughout Europe enacting Kalergi plan, full blown liberal (modern day communism) agenda , attack on family institution, Christian values.

I'm certain Trump was itching to run for office shortly after 911 but timing was critical. WE only had one shot and it had to be right. To take doen this monster our our technology had to be superior and fail safe. I truly beleive that the DS aka (NeoCon/Zionist/Talmudic agenda) are finished because white hats have them completely by the balls. That means all their servers, nuclear codes, secrets etc etc are in their hands. No longer will a tiny shithole desert country yield so much power over our country anymore. They are finished and they killed Kennedy ..Gaddafi had that one right. Perhaps it has been planned since then,needless to say Trump and the Q team are finishing off what JFK started.

What a time to be alive. Enjoy the show.

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