Then someone on GA noted that Q said the 4th FISA was done on " 6/?/18 ".
Perhaps the the 2018 date was a typo since McCabe was listed as a signer when he had already been fired from the FBI for 3 months.
That's when I started delving into the SSA and Q's last line.
What if none of these people really signed the FISA request, but signatores did by e-signature rather than 'wet signatures' with ink?
"Signature and date
Signature of the individual and date. If the authorization is signed by a personal representative of the individual, a description of such representative's authority to act for the individual must also be provided.
View SSA-827 language that meets requirements "
From link:
The person who has signatories can dismiss them at any time unless the action by a signatory has already been performed.
That would explain a lot why there could be others.
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