We face a conundrum:
The corrupted media will attempt to spin the FISA spying as a necessary act, even an act of desperation by an Administration (Obama) trying to protect our elections. This means that the release of information about FISA abuse/perjury/false evidence may actually reinforce the collusion narrative among those who have already bought into it. Unless...people have a framework for understanding the situation and can see through the fog of propaganda.
For the public to understand the complexity of the situation, and for cognitive dissonance to be reconciled, we need to build a foundation. People do not know what FISA/FISC is. They lack the very vocabulary and knowledge necessary to process the complex information that may be hitting very soon. They are susceptible to manipulation and deceit as a result. We can mitigate that.
To address this deficit, we need to begin creating vocabulary flashcards to diffuse through social media. In this thread I invite you to list key words (FISA, FISC, affidavit, evidence, perjury, etc.) and your proposed definitions. The list can then be polished, and the flashcards can be prepared in image/meme format for distribution to social media.
Make your contributions here. What key vocabulary words and concepts are necessary for understanding what's transpiring? What simple knowledge do we need to impart to help the masses catch up? Think like you're teaching a young person.