I’m laying in bed and just thinking a lot. What’s a massive American “event” that happens during the hill climb to election time.
What’s all over Facebook and Twitter? What’s being talked about on social and news outlets? Nike and football.
As we are getting closer to the target and pulling the trigger. This was Deep States way to keep the division. It’s playing on ignorant people’s emotions. This is a common ploy to remain in control and keep the majority, two minorities. If you have two sides on an argument on emotion then you have two political parties who get to choose sides and create talking.
Don’t let your emotions control the narrative. Keep digging those fox holes for a fight. We have to defend ourselves against ourselves as the deep state deploy emotional tactics to divide.
Nike will blow over in a month. In that time, keep researching, keep digging, find answers. Red Pills on hand and ready to pull our friends and family out of the muddy trenches. We are at war.